Thursday, February 22, 2007

Just One - Again

Recently a friend sent me a link to a site that keeps statistics on illegal immigrants.
Evidently we have added this to our list of things to fight against. What keeps popping up in my mind is, "Don't we ever get it?"

Prohibition didn't for one minute stop the flow of alcohol. The war on drugs hasn't stopped the flow of drugs. The war on...anything...doesn't stop it. In fact, by the Law of Attraction - what you focus on you get more of.

As Americans how have we become so afraid? We're afraid of everything! There's not enough of this, there's not enough of that, they cause this, they do that....Hold on. Hold on!

We are dancing in every dance we don't like. They may be sick waltzes, tired tangos, or frightening foxtrots, but we are a partner in every dance, as well. How about we take a look at OUR part in all these awful dramas? We agree to be afraid. We have agreed to focus on the fear. We have been mesmerized into believing we are victim to whatever comes down the pike. POSH!

We have infinite choices of where to focus our thoughts. The "contrast" - that is to say the thing that causes alarm - is useful because it immediately causes us to know in that moment what we want. And ultimately what we all want, bottom line, every time is to be free of fear - to be free.

So, take hold of yourself America! Take charge of those thoughts. When you find yourself agreeing with someone on CNN who is fear mongering, shake yourself loose!
Think a new thought. Turn the darn thing off and try to imagine a world where everyone has enough! Imagine Mexico prosperous and filled with plenty, her people full and happy. Imagine all the peoples of the world this way. Start creating a thought stream that others can "catch" in consciousness. Dare to be different. Dare to think and imagine it all differently.

Each thought put into a new vision is like one more brick in the edifice. Eventually enough people thinking the "plenty" thoughts and ways will emerge to create abundance where now there is the appearance of lack.

In the last election the Democrats failed because they had no vision of their own. They spent all their "energies" pushing against the Republican ticket, policies and administration. Wasted energies, terribly wasted. To win one must have a vision. And the vision must be something of joy and fulfillment, imagination and transformation. It must feel good. Barrack Obama understands this innately.

Besides, dwelling on all the negative that is unending does your own biology absolutely no good whatsoever. Your body doesn't deserve your negative thoughts. So try this for a week? Notice the contrast (negative thought, idea, etc.) Now. Stop. Choose again. I choose to think about a solution that is lovely for everyone, that includes everyone...I am going to imagine that good old American Ingenuity means we can come up with wonderful solutions for everyone if we reach to our God-chips.

I think Jesus told us to "love our neighbors as ourselves" and "turn the other cheek" and "pray for our enemies". We can only do this sincerely if we can begin to catch the idea that "they" are "we".

Thanks for reading! k

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Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Her Rebalancing Acts

Good Morning!

It has dawned a sparkling perfect 11 day here in the mountains of San Diego County. We had a wonderful rain this past Sunday/Monday. For those of you who might not know our weather here, it can be, and often is, the land of extremes. Until last Sunday I would venture to say that the official fire seasons was still not over, as we had so little moisture and lots of Santa Ana winds, which are usually hot and dry. This winter they have been cold and dry. However a wonderful soak finally happened and I am quickly reminded of how wonderful it is to be where it actually rains and how happy things are when they get a good, long drink of water. Ah, I so remember Ohio and Pennsylvania!

You also might not remember that this where we had a huge fire in the year 2003, the Cedar Fire which burned nearly 300,000 acres of San Diego County. That was quite an adventure to witness Mother Nature in all her glory. What I have noticed in the three years since the fire is the perfection with which the "recovery" happens. Fire it seems is the renewal, which is to say, that out of every death there is....rebirth, resurrection.

Immediately after the fire it was truly a moonscape here. We dashed about putting all kinds of sand bags, straw wattle, netting, whatever to brace ourselves for the winter rains. But the rains came slowly and sweetly that winter. In fact, it was the first rain that enabled the fire to finally be contained. All winter I noticed acutely that when it rained, just as it was about to be just a wee bit too much, it would stop. Then a day or two of sunshine would ensue, then another gentle rainfall. We had no landslides. Then the surprises: wild peonies poked their heads up where once they had been overshadowed by white sage. The white sage began to show leafing at the burnt stumps. True enough lots of oaks were lost, but also true that many were sick with Sudden Oak Death Syndom (who knows why they were dying) and almost all the pines were infected with a beetle. The forrests were sick and now where it was burnt, new and healthy growth could be seen anew.

The wild flowers that spring were astonishing, many of which I had never seen before. As the year progressed we noticed that the rodents were definitely having a field day. It seemed that anything that lived below ground was flourishing, even exploding. While their predators which had been caught in the fire were scarce and rebuilding. Here again one would think this was a travesty, how sad. But I can tell you that there is a rebalancing that goes on. I even remember learning this in biology in high school. When the food supply is abundant (rodents), the next thing to flouish is the predator. Last night I heard the yip, yip, yip of carousing cayotes, once again on the mend and growing as a community. In the last year I have noticed many more owls flying low at night. And hawks are proliferating as well. Of course we have mountain lions here and once, I suppose, we had wolves. My nighbors have complained that deer are now eating all that they have planted. So life goes on, resurrects....even improves.

The newspapers called it a tragedy. The reports were all about the suffering and devastation. The truth is that many lives have vastly improved since the fires. Properties that were marginal in code and safety have been rebuilt or replaced with new and better. Places that had become dump sites have been cleaned anew. Mother Nature, had a tantrum. She said, "Clean-up Your Room! or I'll do it for you!" Well, she did.

Perhaps we should notice that the Earth, a living organism, will do a giant shrug, a huge belch, a tremendous sneeze in order to clear her sinus, shake off something unhealthy. She does react to imbalance to preserve her own balance. Perhaps we ought to notice from the "small" shrugs...Katrina, Cedar, etc...that she's feeling a bit unblanced and she will....rebalance if we don't do it for ourselves first.

Thanks for reading! k

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Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Good Afternoon All,

I've been down with flu for the past few days. Stubborn being that I am, it seems to take a giant whammy upside my head before I figure out that I either stay IN well being or I step out of it. My choice.

The "excuse" for my being "out" of well being has been the addition of a house on a parcel that boarders my property. We can use anything for our excuse, but the bottom line is that it only has it's "effects" on you. Me in this case.

How many times have I told myself not to accept the "appearances" of things. How many times have I schooled myself to "look for something good or pleasing". Consciousness is definitely a process and so it seems, never complete. And certainly only practiced in the moment.

When this development started I had fearful thoughts right from the get go. The loss of my privacy, what if there's not enough water, the traffic, blah... Well I got more of the same. The more fearful or lackful I thought, the more it kept happening. But what's important to understand in this is that my initial feelings once seeing what was going in were accurate. It was "out of sync" with well being. It was "out of alignment with Quality." Jesus said, "Agree quickly with thy enemy." Well, I didn't. I harbored it. I kept trying to put a happy face on it. I squelched it. What I didn't do was name it. Express it. I bagged it.

I got sick. Today I'm on the mend after probably 72 hours of sleep and reflection and that painful part of coming to consciousness of how I am creating the whole of my own reality. Resist not. The useful part of becoming sick is that we surrender. It certainly doesn't have to go that far. So today I realized how angry I was. I verbalized it. I cried. I released the resistance to my own Well Being. I'm on the mend.

How will I resolve this? Well, for one thing it ain't over it it's over. There is always something good at play. In fact, how many times have I told myself, "Relax, watch, your good is at play!" So knowing this is true, I can truly feel that taking over inside. Also, it's time for me to draw some gentle boundaries with my new neighbor. Perhaps a basket of oranges with a conversation supporting her development, but clearing defining where she has trespassed.

What is certain is this: until I feel fully connected back into Well Being, I am taking my very best advice and pausing, doing nothing, until I can feel "the peace that passes human understanding."
Then and only then will I have the green light to proceed. What ever has its foundation in Love will prosper. Whatever has it's foundation in fear will fail. It's a choice. My choice. My very own free will choice to be in Well Being or Not.

Thanks for reading! k

Friday, February 16, 2007

Only ONE

Good Day All!

I understand now what happened when Adam and Eve ate the apple from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and why that was the "fall".

As long as they were living in the "garden of eden" they were being nourished spiritually. They were fully and completely connected to Who They Really Were. They were at One with It - God.
They knew nothing else except Well Being. There was no other "god". There was only good.

The fall was the beginning of beliving in duality, that there is something other than God, good.
It was the beginning of the belief in two things, good and evil. It was the descent out of God, good consciousness into human consciousness of something "other" than good, God.

Now we are attempting our evolution back into Light and Life. The journey is one of consciousness, not human mind.

Lost? How in the world? What is consciousness? Where do I start?

Consciousness is your TrueSelf, your GodSelf, your Inner Being. It never yells at you. It never shouts, it whispers and you FEEL it. You try a thought on and feel the content of it's Godness, goodness. If it feels good, it's from your Self. If it feels even a little bit bad, it's your human thought. We use the mind as an avenue of awareness of consciousness, the mind is not for discernment, but for carrying out the impulse of God, good consciousness.

It's not done much these days, for these are the days of the tail wagging the dog. The human mind with its body of beliefs in fear, lack and limitation are 99.9% of what we see and experience. The closest we come are those moments when we allow our hearts to lead and we step out of the human mind box and do something "irrational" like love, enjoy, forgive, attempt to see past the appearance of "evil".

Evil is nothing more than the lack of God, good consciousness. It is a state of beingness like Christ consciousness. Christ, by the way is not a person, but rather a state of consciousness that is only in Well Being, at One with It.

Jesus is someone who remembered who he really was and achieved the Christed consciousness. He never said, "worship me". He said, "Follow me". He laid the template for the movement of yours and my consciousness back into Oneness. There is only God, nothing else.

I'll stop here for today. This is BIG. Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is to chew on this every moment of the day and allow It, your God-chip, to show you the way.

Thanks for reading! k

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Thursday, February 15, 2007


Good Day Everyone!

Yesterday, Valentine's Day, I was at a seminar all day entitled, "GET MOTIVATED!" The headliners were Zig Ziglar, Rudolph Giuliani, Phil Town and Marty Schottenheimer. I readily accepted my broker's invitation to join her, as I'm always up for a day of positive reinforcement.

I was aware early on that the day might have an aha in store for me when it took two hours to get to the Sports Arena in a sea of traffic. Ever mindful to stay "connected", I was listening to a book on tape, A Light in the Window by Jan Karon. But I knew it would be a day enlightening me by virtue of the "contrast".

Zig was wonderful, as always. He is now proudly 80 years old and still going strong. He inspires us because he has been there and turned himself around. He talks about the components of a successful life, one of them being his faith. He doesn't belabor the point or pound with "his way" - in fact I think he leaves it at that because he understands that faith like spirituality is a very private and personal matter to be established internally by each individual. Thanks Zig.

As the day progressed I noticed things that didn't "feel" right. Everyone that followed was selling something. Not just casually, but actively and vigorously although couched in pretty words. Phil Town was promoting a software that would assist in timing the stock market. Tom Hopkins was pushing a 3-day seminar in buying real estate. Information is excellent. I love being informed in the fashion of "did you know?" But when the lack factor is introduced, when the fear factor is used, I'm usually cranky. This comes when they say, "today only", forcing you to think you'll forever loose this opportunity. This flies in the face of the Infinite Invisible and Who We Really Are. Human mind vs God Mind.

The worst of the day came before lunch when we were reminded by one of the organizers, Tamara Lowe, that the break was not the lunch break, but there would still be another speaker before lunch. She did not announce that the speaker would be her husband Peter Lowe, nor what he would be talking about. Like sheep we obediently took our short break and took our seats. Peter Lowe took the stage and began what seemed like it would be a spiritual message. That idea of faith that Zig referred to. However about 10 minutes into his speech peppered with a tinge of fear here, a hint of powerlessness there, whammy he plunged into a full blown come to Jesus meeting.

I was furious. So furious that I got up and walked out along with quite a few others. Why you might ask was I so angered? Deceit. The old bait and switch. If his message was so great and benign why was it slithered in? Why not sell the entire seminar as such? Let people decide for themselves? And then I understood why the sales pitches seemed so slimy to me, as well. Again the bait and switch. Here's an "authority" on one subject, now pushing something that his not of his own creation. Another discounting of a person's own Innate Intelligence to hear the facts of something and choose aright for themselves. But worse, it is the presumption of lack on the part of the sellers. Like they need someone else to hawk their wares, rather than buy time on stage to present what lovely thing they have created for those who match it to take them up on it.

Why are we offered televisions for listening to time share proposals? Most come just to get the TV and waste every one's time. How should it be done? Straight up and straight forward. There's a suitable buyer for everything and suitable ways to approach them. They will choose aright for themselves based on the facts. The most illuminating thought in the whole day was how much if not everything in marketing is based on lack, fear and not enough. So they resort to trickery, which was never necessary in the beginning.

Applied Spirituality is knowing that that God-chip within me is connected to every other God-chip there is. That what I create is put forth by my energetic vibrations whilst I create, whilst I love what I'm doing, whilst I envision the benefits for all those out there. The matching vibrations will join it readily if I stay centered in I AM and allow it to unfold. IT is like magic, but is in reality physics. It is Source at work as always.

It's a good thing to travel out of the mountains regularly and see what human mind is up to. I have a friend who derides me because I don't watch television. Well, all I can say is you're right, Charlie. I was pretty shocked. But once I regained my own balance I understood how unbalanced one can become when being brainwashed daily and schooled ceaselessly in the human mind of fear, lack and disconnection from Source. One thing is for sure, when you hear or feel something that is connected, it's easily recognized because it feels so darn good.

One more thought. Marty Schottenheimer was recently dismissed as head coach of the San Diego Chargers. Human mind, to be sure. He "failed" to get them into the Super Bowl. But I can tell you from the thunderous applause, sustained in love for him that the Truth of his Value is known in the hearts of the Charger fans. You did not fail, Marty. You succeeded in uniting us in a love for our city through the hearts of you and your team. You and the Chargers are and always will be a resounding success. Thanks for a great ride!

Thanks for reading! k

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Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Fear Not

Good Morning World!

I have discovered International Rugby! What a great sport! Friends of mine from Scotland turned me onto rugby one day when I was visiting them. We got to talking about the ancient Hawaiians who did "HA" breathing before they did anything. I did a little demo and Jack exclaimed that was what the New Zealand Team did before their games. Quickly he flicked through his satellite channels and found the "All Blacks" vs some poor team. And there they were in all their powerful glory doing their "HAKA" breathing. If you've never seen it, check it out online.

The story I've been told is this: when the white settlers were cruising around the Hawaiian Islands, they would ask at each island, "Where do you live?" The Hawaiians would answer, "I live on the life force that is carried on my breath"....all that is comprised in the single word, Hawaii. In the Hawaiian language each syllable has a full meaning like a word does in English. Hence,'hale' does not mean white person, it is literally translated as he without breath. Simply put - and therein is a giant flag where Truth abounds - it is SIMPLE - the ancient Hawaiians as did the other indigenous peoples know God intimately as one with themselves.

How could they know this? The better question for us is how could we NOT know this?
How could we not know how loved we are, how good we are, how divine and powerful we are?

We've been enculturated out of it. I never wanted to study history until I wanted the answer to where did religion go so wrong? Then I delved into European history and looked hard and long. It all started there and maybe at the great meeting in Constantinople. Many gospels were left out according to who wanted the masses to think what. And beyond that with every rewrite it became more and more manipulated.
I do think there are wonderful Truths left standing in the Bible. The Psalmists for example understood Love, which was Jesus' sole message. After that to my mind, the Old Testament should have been taught as only an old history book, as what people used to think and believe in the "olden days".

It really shouldn't matter what they wrote, though, as within each of us is our God-chip whispering Truth to us any time we're willing to listen. The catch is that it is a whisper compared to the human mind (the enculturated mind) that is fearful, lackful and caught up in doubt.

I suppose I ought to state here at some distinctive point what Applied Spirituality is to me. When I was a very young girl I was struck by the inconsistencies of religious people. No one, I might add, pointed them out to me, I just noticed. We were a "Christian" nation and we believed in the death penalty. Hmmm. We went to Irish Catholics were at war with the English Protestants. Hmmm.
Good church-going people were jealous, talked gossip about their friends. We even had "sides" in Church politics. Hmmmm.

I grew up in the Eastern Orthodox Church where the liturgy was always in Serbian, which I did not understand. So for about the first 15 years of my life I got to go to this beautiful place every Sunday, listen to the angel voices of the choir singing in Serbians and get to know God my own way. What I came to know was only Love. I never had to recover from any doctrine or dogma. I was a clean slate. I was actually stunned when I got to college and found out that in some churches they were teaching something called "original sin". I couldn't even fathom such a thing being perpetrated on people, let alone children. Bunk. Hogwash. LIES! Hearing this began my quest to understand Who We Really Are.

So Applied Spirituality is following the God-chip of you in everyday 'real' world life. It often looks the opposite of human mind. It is living every moment listening to the whispers of your Heart, which is where It resides. It lives alive and full on your breath. It is not the linear, fearful mind of human thinking.

John Lennon wrote a song called, Imagine. If you've not heard it or listened to it recently, do it. For this is what I ask you to do. Imagine a world where everyone was taught that they were loved beyond measure from day one. Imagine a world where everyone was taught to hear their own God-chip speaking and guiding them individually. Imagine a world where we were all taught to follow the joys of our heart from day one. Imagine a world where people worked at what they felt was play and joy. Imagine a world where we knew about Infinite Supply. Imagine a world where we understood how when we Asked, It answered. Always. Imagine a world where we understood how to create in joy and no one knew fear. Imagine your life if you would Remember Who You Really Are. God, having a physical adventure and loved beyond measure, infinite and eternal being. Imagine if you were to do your HAKA breathing and know you were flowing LIFE powerfully through you to focus it wherever you delighted.

Breathe! You live on the life force that is carried on your breath, too. Quiet your human mind. Ask. Feel the answers. You will know It by the joy and peace you feel.

Thanks for reading! k

I invite your comments. Tomorrow I'll talk about how to Apply your own Spirit.

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Friday, February 9, 2007

With Life

Today it's good afternoon almost evening...

When I speak before audiences, one of my favorite speeches is about the Love-Angstrom Meter. It's an invention of my own imagination that would measure the amount of LIFE in something.

We would have Love-Angstrom Meters hooked up to our TV screens. We would have a Love-Angstrom Meter in every emergency room at every hospital. In fact, it would be like the metal detectors at the airport. You'd have to pass through that in order to get into the emergency room. What it would tell them is how much LIFE are you allowing to flow through your beingness.

The Love Angstrom Meter would also measure - as you might guess - the amount of Truth in something, the amount of Love in something, the Quality of Life moving through someone or something or words, even our creations.

We might even have wrist versions of this little gizmo for a quick Self check-up.
After meditating in the morning you might be registering a healthy 87%. After traveling through rush hour traffic you might notice you've dipped to 47% and feeling pretty lousy. So you pop outside to take a break, breathe some fresh air, empty your mind and voila, you're back at 85%. Pretty good to go back into work and add some LIFE into your project.

The thing is, we already are equipped with a Love Angstrom Meter, each and every one of us. IT's that God-chip we all have in common. It is constantly registering to us the Love and Life and Truth content of everything we come in contact with. It's vibrating wildly in rapturous joy when we're playing with the cat, drawing at our art table, singing songs, all the things we love to do.

And it is most conspicuous by it's ABSENCE (which feels lousy) when we're about doing things, saying things, seeing things, focusing on things, people, places and thoughts that have No LIFE in them. Dead. Dying. Lifeless. Our Spirit is a long ways off while we insist on keeping our proverbial hand on the hot stove. (Who the heck taught us that this was a good thing?)

My cat, Woody, is curled up right next to my laptop as I am writing this, and he's purring away like a motor boat. I'm thinking he's loving the vibration of these words and glad I'm doing what I love to do. But then, often, I've sensed from him a complete puzzlement as I'm laboring with something I hate or moaning about something. He pretty much is NOT present for those kinds of vibrations out of me.

Love and Life love to be around Love and Life. And what I know is, the absence of Love is always painful to us. Why? Because this is WHO WE REALLY ARE. Love. Life. Goodness. God.

We feel best when we are congruent with these High, Fast and Pure Frequencies. And we feel lousy or sick when our human mind - devoid of Self - is calling the shots.

How do we use our built-in Love-Angstrom Meter to navigate the "real world"? We notice how we feel.When we are allowing It, it feels good and things go well and easily, serendipity time. When we are resisting It, blocking it, it feels bad and things in the "real world" are usually going from bad to worse.

How can we DO (apply) this? We relax. We breathe. We hold thoughts like anything good is possible. We put the "can't" ideas firmly and deliberately up on the shelf and await in child-like trust that when I allow It, it is always Good, efficient, inspired even magical.....and then the "real world" is pretty darn good too.

Now...Breathe!!! That's it. You can Say Hello, for pitisake, It is YOU.

Thanks for reading. k

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Thursday, February 8, 2007

The Free Willies

Good Day!

For the past six years I have worked part time for the public library system. Really up until then I'd not been a big user of the library. I think it was because as a child I really didn't enjoy reading. Now that they have talking books, I've become a voracious "reader". I listen to books in the car, while gardening, cooking, and my favorite time, as I'm drifting off to sleep. I think I love this best because it reminds me of when my Gram used to tell us her stories. Boy, could she make up some whoppers. I, of course, believed every word.

Libraries are amazing places because it is where the example of REAL freedom LIVES. Period.

Did you know that libraries protect your right to read whatever you desire and your privacy to do so? Did you know that your library protects your right to choose any book you want to read by allowing it to be there? Did you know that if there's a particular title you would like your library to have in it's collection, they will acquire it? (Budget permitting, of course. But you can always donate it.)

I love that on the shelves in the non-fiction sections, books of all manner of ideas and ideologies sit side-by-side. I never see them taking a swipe at each other, either just because they have opposing view points. It is the perfect example of allowing. It is the perfect example of freedom.

America is the place where every idea and ideology is allowed, even welcomed. Even the ones you don't like or don't agree with. It is the place of the buffet of thought. The freedom we are guaranteed is the freedom of choice. So you can go into the library and cruise the stacks and see what interests you or see what interests others. The point is that you get to choose, because the choice is there.We get to choose to explore something new, something strange, something weird, something exhilarating, something boring, something old....But the point is, WE GET TO CHOOSE BECAUSE THE CHOICE IS AVAILABLE.

What an undertaking the founding fathers passed on to us. The undertaking to be the guardians of allowing all thoughts to exist for our choice.

It seems to imply to me that they believed so completely in the wisdom and goodness of a soul, that there is no danger in allowing such choice amongst infinite variety of options. Let all choice be available. Think about it!

The essence of freedom is the freedom to choose what we will focus on. We can, for example, choose to focus on the negative. It is wholly up to each one where they will focus, is it not? Or we can choose to focus on something positive. So the question is wholly sovereign to each individual. It is the collection of these individual choices at any given moment that create a life and its quality. The fork in the road is every moment.

The news has large sway in our society. Televisions are turned to News. The radios to Talk Radio. The Internet to...what's your choice?

When my boys were little I recall telling them that they had to be guardians of what went into them. That is to say with respect to food or drink or music or news or television, they had to be "selective sifters" of all stuff. Garbage in, garbage out. What you consumed or gave focus to would come out of you. Your choice.

How is this applied spirituality? Your God-chip, your trueSelf delights when you choose something your love or delight in. You know your Self is "with you"by how it feels to you. Does it make you feel easy, light, good, inspired, delighted, encouraged, well, happy, energetic, alive? Go for it! You're aligned, connected and in tune with You.
IF it doesn't? Turn it off. Change the channel. Change your focus, for yourSelf has left on wings of fun and will not join you in anything without Life in it.

You always get to choose, here in the land where every conceivable idea is welcomed. You have the Free Willies.

What a powerful place and time we live in: a consciousness that allows every idea to abide because we believe we each have the wisdom to choose what is good for ourselves at any given moment. I'd say that's a fearless society. That's America where we acknowledge that everyone has that same God-chip.

Thanks for reading! k

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Wednesday, February 7, 2007

To Illuminate Without Scorching

Good Morning World!

I have to tell you this blogging is fun! I find myself thinking throughout the day, "What can I write about tomorrow that will touch a heart?"

Since Friday evening I've been watching the moon unfold to fullness, and now it is on the wane. But Friday evening after having spent the day in La Jolla, I was driving home fully due East. I had the joy of watching the sunset over Seal Beach. It's named that because really, there are seals lounging around there. Right now it's pupping season, so little guys were scattered all over the place. They were wiggling and rubbing their little feet together, nestling deeper into the sand to get more comfortable. Some thing we all love: a good nap.

Anyway after the sunset, dark fell fairly quickly and the sky was illumined from somewhere behind the mountains. At one particular turn she showed herself. The moon was rising in full. She was huge and glowed a faint yellow. I just burst out laughing. It was kind of like a game of peek a boo behind one mountain then another hill. But finally when I reached my exit in Descanso, there she was illuminating without scorching.

Maybe because I am a moon child born in July or maybe not, who knows, but I do my best work during the full moon. I've even been known to write poetry, which I never do any other time.Often I'm awakened in the night simply to go outside and behold the luminous light and how frosty everything looks. My cat, Woody, of course loves the night. But even he seems to sit at the window and especially adores watching the night bathed in moonlight. It's so gentle. So sweet.

I like to think that we could be that way with each other. Bathing each other in the soft, gentle light of love as we illuminate each other without scorching. After the high temperatures and severe harshness of the sun of last summer (we topped 113 degrees up here), the thought has even more meaning for me.

I am reminded of 1st Corinthians which describes love as patient, kind and bears all things. What would the world look like if we actually applied this spiritual truth to our worldly neighbors as a country? Indeed, what would the world look like if we applied this law of love to each other every day. The guy at the gas pump, the freeway traffic, to those whose opinion we hate?

We are urged to love our neighbors as ourselves. Maybe that's the sticking point, we don't much love ourselves.

So today let me leave you with something to chew on. Our founding fathers put into our documents the phrase that all men are created equal. And how can this be? For we know it's not physically or financially or mentally. It only leaves spiritually. Each of us has our own God-chip. Each of us is a complete God-kit. Each of us is God having a physical adventure. So could you possibly love and appreciate Who You Really Are today? What is not to love.

And so with a heart full of appreciation for yourSelf, you can now go about illuminating the world without scorching. Feel how good this feels. It's your God-chip delighting along with you, joining you in love....your true nature.

Thanks for reading! k

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Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Closing the Gap

Good Morning Everyone!

It looks like some moisture might be headed our way, which would be a wonderful thing here in the Cuyamaca Mountains. There's a system up here: rain first then dry Santa Ana winds to take it all away.

I had a most magical day yesterday interviewing applicants to Cornell University. As a member of a volunteer committee, we meet up with these hopefuls and try to put a human face (humane, too) on the application process. We have absolutely no influence on the admissions process, but are there to demystify the school for them. Kind of like an eyewitness reporter. For the last two years I had no interviews, this year they sent me four.

Driving home last night from the beach where I had met with two, I was ebullient. They are awake and shining and wonderful. What I mean is that in spite of all the years of moulding and shaping they are still unique and shimmering with their True Selves. But more importantly they are finding a way to shape careers out of their passions.

One of them brought a resume! I don't think I even had a resume at 18. And why would one need a resume at 18?

In short order, though, he relaxed and shoved his folio under his seat. With a very few questions from me, he commenced telling me about the poetry that he loves to write not to mention how much he loves playing baseball! Have you ever noticed how the light in some one's eyes changes and becomes more focused and brilliant when they are talking about what they LOVE? Bulls eye. In the Zone. Connected to Self. Spirit Applied. His proposed major? English!

The next was a young lady. Her proposed major is philosophy. Her first explanation of that choice was that it was "a good base for pre-law". The PC answer. The answer that is probably on her resume. But as we talked, she disclosed that her passion is theatre, dance and singing. That's when she lit up and came into focus, talking about her band, the play they are rehearsing....and Salsa! The choice for a major in philosophy? Brilliant. She was twinkling.

I was encouraged because the choices of career majors were not the antithesis of what they loved, but chosen because they enhanced what they loved. Seems a far cry from how we did it all those many years ago. You loved art, but you became a nurse which was a "real" career. Or we became a podiatrist when we truly loved history and antiques. These kids aren't so ready to give up their joy for a "real job". In fact they are even believing that they could make a good career out of their passions. Wow! The gap between human mind limited thinking and the divine mind is closing!

How is this applied spirituality? How is this meaningful?

It seems somewhere in the past 40 years the idea of joy has becoming important. The idea of suffering and sacrificing is loosing it's sway. Thank goodness. For how can anyone give from an empty basket? How can you be happy and joyful and drip that into the world when you're pretty cranky about doing a job that wasn't you passion in the beginning, but a simply a good job.

The logical, linear mind has difficulty with this concept. What I think of as human mind. But the divine mind, the soul of each of us, is a joyful thing. It loves loving, it loves goodness, it loves play, it loves all things we define as good (God). So when we feel good, it is good for us. When we feel badly, our True Self has left us to moulder on our own, not having any part in that, because our human thought says we "should" or "ought."

When we "come to our senses" - feeling good again, our Soul is vibrating at Yippee frequency. We know we are on the right path, our path because, by crakie, it feels so darn good. So right.

I'm reading a book right now called the Biology of Transcendence, by Joseph Chilton Pearce. I want to meet this man. He's been studying, what I think of as applied spirituality, all his life. I think he must be in his 80's now. What a pioneer, eh?
But what he describes is the actual physiology of God in man's physicality. Did you know there's a science called neurocardiology? Yep. There are neurons in the HEART!!

Well, gee. I'm not surprised. Why else would we touch our hearts when we just simply KNOW the Truth. Feel it so deeply.

What excites me so, is that the gap between God and Science is closing, too. And guess what, you heard it here first - they will prove to be one in the same. Guess our concept of God will have to expand as will our concept of Science.

Isn't is grand to be living in these times? Either/Or thinking (human mind) is on the wane, for AND thinking, inclusive is on the rise!

Thanks for reading...k

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Monday, February 5, 2007

Inaugural Blog

Good Morning Everyone!

I've been going to do a blog for about 3 years now. Today's the day.

Why? It's kinda like the drip, drip, drip theory. Finally one day there's one drop that flows over the spillway and you have to speak.

Oprah discovered the Secret last week. I love Oprah. I never watch her as I don't have television (this is my 17th year now without TV), but I see her magazine and know her from previous years. She's amazing. She's applied spirituality in progress, and she's allowed us to watch her unfold over the years. What an amazing and brave woman she is.

A friend gave me the audio book, The Secret, for Christmas. I listened with great interest. It's good. It's very good. But what is really amazing about The Secret are two things: it's never been a secret and it's now becoming mainstream thought!

Let's start with it's never been a secret. I know I've know about the Law of Attraction - or creating the whole of your own reality for at least twenty years now. It's been the practice of it or the applying of it's principles to everyday life that has fascinated me and been a focus of study for me. The leading "teacher" of this is Abraham (see for further study. Abe is the granddaddy in modern times. But before There's Dale Carnegie, there's Norman Vincent Peale, there's Joel Goldsmith, there's Emerson, there's Thoreau...and those are only modern thinkers and only just a very few.

It's never been a secret because with the power of our own observation we can see this at play all the time. Why don't we believe it? Because we are constantly brainwashed by the naysayers, doomsdayers, scientists and religionists that there is something "other" out there more powerful that makes us subject to "its" desire, it's will. The old "good" vs "evil", we are told, play for our lives and souls, leaving us begging for mercy and crumbs at the buffet table of Life.

Yet, day to day, we can see - if we look - that people who focus, focus positively, think their own thoughts, and believe in themselves flourish. We publish stories and books about other people's lives to be inspired (we believe we can if they can), then have it all erased or clouded by some one else's doubt in our abilities and our sovereignty.

I love the era I live in. I love seeing the consciousness of human kind raising up, expanding and growing more god-like, more good. The journey has always been and will always be bringing that belief in something "other" than me, home to me. Now we are watching it happening on a global scale. I cannot think of anything more exciting than to live in a world where everyone believes in his/her own sovereignty. No one believes in victim hood anymore. Everyone accepts their own responsibility for every single bit of their own lives. I'm going to leave the planet with a huge grin and a large sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

More tomorrow. Thanks for reading! k


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