Just One - Again
Evidently we have added this to our list of things to fight against. What keeps popping up in my mind is, "Don't we ever get it?"
Prohibition didn't for one minute stop the flow of alcohol. The war on drugs hasn't stopped the flow of drugs. The war on...anything...doesn't stop it. In fact, by the Law of Attraction - what you focus on you get more of.
As Americans how have we become so afraid? We're afraid of everything! There's not enough of this, there's not enough of that, they cause this, they do that....Hold on. Hold on!
We are dancing in every dance we don't like. They may be sick waltzes, tired tangos, or frightening foxtrots, but we are a partner in every dance, as well. How about we take a look at OUR part in all these awful dramas? We agree to be afraid. We have agreed to focus on the fear. We have been mesmerized into believing we are victim to whatever comes down the pike. POSH!
We have infinite choices of where to focus our thoughts. The "contrast" - that is to say the thing that causes alarm - is useful because it immediately causes us to know in that moment what we want. And ultimately what we all want, bottom line, every time is to be free of fear - to be free.
So, take hold of yourself America! Take charge of those thoughts. When you find yourself agreeing with someone on CNN who is fear mongering, shake yourself loose!
Think a new thought. Turn the darn thing off and try to imagine a world where everyone has enough! Imagine Mexico prosperous and filled with plenty, her people full and happy. Imagine all the peoples of the world this way. Start creating a thought stream that others can "catch" in consciousness. Dare to be different. Dare to think and imagine it all differently.
Each thought put into a new vision is like one more brick in the edifice. Eventually enough people thinking the "plenty" thoughts and ways will emerge to create abundance where now there is the appearance of lack.
In the last election the Democrats failed because they had no vision of their own. They spent all their "energies" pushing against the Republican ticket, policies and administration. Wasted energies, terribly wasted. To win one must have a vision. And the vision must be something of joy and fulfillment, imagination and transformation. It must feel good. Barrack Obama understands this innately.
Besides, dwelling on all the negative that is unending does your own biology absolutely no good whatsoever. Your body doesn't deserve your negative thoughts. So try this for a week? Notice the contrast (negative thought, idea, etc.) Now. Stop. Choose again. I choose to think about a solution that is lovely for everyone, that includes everyone...I am going to imagine that good old American Ingenuity means we can come up with wonderful solutions for everyone if we reach to our God-chips.
I think Jesus told us to "love our neighbors as ourselves" and "turn the other cheek" and "pray for our enemies". We can only do this sincerely if we can begin to catch the idea that "they" are "we".
Thanks for reading! k
Labels: Barrack Obama, Democrat, immigration, Republican