Irrational Fears: Separation Anxiety
A few days ago the furor over President Obama's back to school speech reached my awareness, and then, this morning the news about Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst during the President's speech last evening regarding health care reform.
I confess I didn't understand how anyone could oppose the President encouraging kids to make something of themselves. I recall President Kennedy's famous, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country" speech. Everyone was charged with becoming their personal "best". We studied, we applied ourselves, we even did the calisthenics programs he promoted to be fit. That's what leaders do, they encourage others to become all that they can be. Watch.
Our danger lies not without, but within each individual who feels the separation from Source, God, All That Is. When we cannot feel out connection, the love that that imparts to us, we are alone, naked, scared and see out through a human mind stranded in fear. From this place we are irrational, devious, and unreasonable. We cannot hear anything of Love, for we are on the frequency of fear. Love and fear are opposite frequencies.
Make no mistake, both Democrats and Republicans alike suffer from this separation anxiety. Indeed, our whole nation suffers from it and this is what is eroding us - from the inside out.
If a man awakes every morning, conservative or liberal, and believes he lives in a malevolent world with no support, no love, no eternality, no infinite possibilites, and in an indifferent Universe, he will do anything - good man or no - to feel safe.
We are a spiritually poor nation. Organized religion has failed us, but our own efforts to reconnect with Who We Really Are individually are the route, now. The feeling of fear provokes within us a profound desire for internal peace, calm and rationality. This will guide us inward where each of us has our own, personal connection with God for comfort and Truth.
Do not have the hubris to think this doesn't include you. For if you are someone who is waging war on anything - saving the wolves, saving Tibet, saving the environment, feeling hate and anger at conservatives or liberals, then, you do not understand the Oneness of all things either.
It is each individual's job to find their personal alignment with Source daily - even moment to moment. This is unconditional Love: that external circumstances do not have to change in order for me to feel my Connection to Source. Can you say that? Can you do that? Do you even realize that is the most important awareness that you can take with you into your day?
Even Jesus wasn't in Connection 100% of the time. He got angry in the temple and overturned the money changers tables. And on the cross he is said to have cried out, "Father, why hast thou forsaken me."
If realizing out Oneness with God were easy, this world would look very different indeed. None the less, it is our quest, individually, to return home. Each prodigal is charged with this journey, for therein lies the answer to a world that is heaven on earth.
Labels: Conserative, Democrat, fear, frequencies, hatred, liberal, love, oneness, Republicans, separation anxiety, separation from source
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