Girl's Heart Heals Itself: Of Course
I love it; I love it; I love it! Proof positive that the body's default position is Well Being and Health.
Meet Hannah Clark and check out her story as published in the Guardian in the UK.

So in comes Light Being, Hannah Clark who conjures a fatal heart condition. Her True Intention: to show us all that we live in a world of illusion and that we can, in fact, heal ourselves.
Doctors are amazed, some calling it a 'miracle'. But these events, folks, are merely a portent of the consciousness that is growing on planet Earth: the realization of Oneness with God - that we are, indeed, God, Itself, having a physical adventure.
Somehow, Hannah was able to align her human mind with Godmind, closing the gap on the illusion of separation from Source. When that is achieved, the fullness of God is realized on Earth.
It's a journey of consciousness not mind.
When one can raise the human consciousness to realize his/her Truth of Being, God, then all things are added unto him. "The Earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof." - Psalm 24:1
I and my Father are One. John 10:30.
Let us stop trying to think with our limited human minds, but rather achieve the Christed Consciousness - the mind that Jesus, Buddha, Krishna and many other achieved whilst in the body. It is available to everyone. Indeed, our individual Godchip is already living that Reality right now. All that we need do is align our human consciousness with It.
Then, these 'miracles' will be what we expect - Well Being, Harmony, Health, Prosperity - the fullness of God, which we already are.
Thanks for reading!
Labels: Christed Consciousness, fullness, Godmind, Hannah Clark, heart heals itself, human mind, miracles, well being
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