Thursday, June 11, 2009

Following Your Bliss

Good Morning Everyone!

A gorgeous rainy day here in Ohio! Today I wanted to talk about following your joy. I did this morning, I went for a walk in the rain at Lake Medina. There's just something about walking in the summer rain that causes my heart to do a skipity do dah! Couple that with the lush foliage, the swans on the lake with the mist rising, and the sounds of the myriad birds - well, I'm a happy girl.

Often I find myself walking for more than the 3 miles, because I'm just being happy, engrossed in the joy of It. Time flies.

Here' a video of a young Koren lad, Sungha Jung with Ulli Boegershausen. This is what it looks like when you're following your bliss, doing what you Love and applying your spirit.

Be sure to watch until the very end and watch the two of them in sync, enjoying each other, the music, their skills, and playing together. They say a picture is worth a 1000 words, so I'll stop, except to say that these two Light Beings brought joy to me today, as well. That's what we do when we're in our bliss, following our Joy, and being Who We Really Are - we bless the world.

Today, for once, follow your bliss. It always, always feels Good. It's the God of you telling you, "By Jove, you've got It!"

Thanks for reading!


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