Rising Above the Opposites: Reaching Out To the Muslim World
The big news is our courageous President Obama traveling to the Mideast in an effort to open new dialogues with the Muslim World.
As I watched this clip of what others around the world are hoping for and then learned what President Obama hopes to accomplish, I began to form and idea of what we can do to help everyone concerned be successful.
A new way of communicating not just between the Muslim world and the West, but also with Israel is obviously in the best interests of everyone concerned: Westerner, Israelis and Muslims, not to mention the entire Well Being of the world.
This is a classic case of the appearance of opposites: oxymorons, things, concepts, ideas, people, ideologies that seem not to be able to live in the same sentence, let alone the same world.
But that is precisely the point, it is the only the appearance of things, but it is not True.
There is a way, and the way is rising above the opposites and finding a New Solution or Solutions that have never been thought before, never been seen before. The way, of course, is through Inspiration and Intention.
What we can do, is what I call "Holding The Space". To do this, you have to take your human mind out of its normal bouncing from issue to issue. They want this, we want that, they won't do this, or we have to do that. You leave that human mind endless debate and litany alone.
You take your mind UP into a space of nothingness. The place of All Possibilites and Pure, Infinite Potential. And then, you allow that emptiness even though you might not know what those solutions are or what ways this could happen. You allow that in this Space it is so.
Then, you keep your human mind stayed right there - holding the space that a win/win, peaceful, abundant way with easy, genuine dialogue is happening, being formed out of the Pure Potential. We are asking for a way; and it is being answered.
We allow that this is so; and we watch for the unfoldment of these events, even expecting them.
This is where the "magic" and the "miracles" happen.
And while you're at it, include the extremists in this peaceful and expansive meeting of the mind. When you are holding the space of all possibilities, it is just that - all possibilities. Include everyone in this Space.
This is where minds change, hearts open, and what looked like an impossibility comes to pass.
We are instructed to "pray for our enemies". This is how you do just that. You include them in the highest and best possibilities for all, because they are included in God just as we are. There is no situation on Earth when taken above the opposites, that does not have a real world solution in the Infinite Possibilities and Pure Potential of Source.
This is how a real citizen participates, whether you are a Citizen of the United States, Pakistan, Lebanon, Israel, Afghanistan, Gaza or Palestine. It costs nothing; but energetically creates a huge Energetic Field that is creating our new vision of a peaceful world, where everyone's wants and needs are met, and never at the expense of anyone else.
So, get on with it.Wherever you live, whoever you are, no matter your religious faith or politics, imagine a world where everyone gets what they want at the same time. Make this your prayer by Holding the Space of Infinite Possibilities.
Thanks for Reading!
Labels: Barack Obama, God, holding the space, infinite possitibilities, Muslim world, Pure Potential, reaching out, Rising above the opposites, Source
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