Monday, April 27, 2009

The Fear Pandemic: Choose Fear or Well Being

Good Morning Everyone,

Well, here we go again. Yet another thing to be afraid of: swine flu. Geez.

To my thinking, the pandemic is fear.

The question is: Are you buying in? That's the only thing that really matters.

Listen for one minute with your mind in today's world to words of wisdom and Connectedness from President Franklin Delano Roosevelt in his first inaugural address.

Since Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden and that little drama, we have had the choice of focusing on fear or Well Being. We call it good and evil; by any name it is the clear choice to focus on what is Well - Good - God.

The temptation is always to believe human-mind over Godmind. This is where you get to choose to apply your spirituality - your Life Force - your Attention - your consciousness. Because wherever you freely choose to focus is what you will indeed get more of; it's Law.

People wonder why bad things happen to good people. It's because they believe in the duality - something other than God and Well Being. Focused there, you get to create anything you want here on Earth, including your own demise.

You, me, we all are Creators of our own every day, moment to moment reality. We do it by the Laws of Physics. This Law is the Law of Attraction which says that thoughts are vibrational and the more you think them, the more they matter - become matter - become manifest and real in your reality.

It's time to become the Spiritual Beings that we are right here, right now in the physical and take responsibiliy: it's not hocus pocus the way we create, it's physics, because we are physical creatures in a physical world and a physical universe. Where we are focused is what we get.

Turn off the television, stop watching the news, and get yourself reconnected with your own Godchip guiding you to your Good at every moment.

All is truly well, if you are focused on Well Being. Look for the Good - it's full.

Thanks for reading!


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