Quality: The New Economy
I've been thinking a lot about Quality.
Years ago when I was a child, I recall that, then, things made in Japan were generally regarded as inferior in quality. In those days the "Made In America" label was synonymous with high quality goods.
Think about it a moment. The cars that were American made then are still being restored today. Many of the "antiques" and "collectibles" that are found at flea markets are products that were from that era of Quality. Items purchased then were built to not wear out, but to be repaired. Over the last 40-50 years something has gone amiss in the American psyche. I remember looking at the first Ford Pinto and thinking, "No one will ever restore one of those."
The decline in Quality in America is directly proportional to the rise in the Walmart mentality. Today China is the new Japan, and certainly many things still produced in America, in order to compete in the global markets, are of disposable quality.
The ramifications of this are myriad, significantly to the environment which includes us. When things are disposable, they end up in the landfills decomposing or leeching their chemicals into the ground and ground waters, rivers, lakes and poisoning both flora and fauna (including the humans).
The "green" movement is a movement back in the direction of Quality. If for no other reason, for one of economic sensibility to the American consumer, if not the corporation. However, as the consciousness of all of us rises to greater heights, a new kind of corporation will emerge, as well. It is once again the people that will lead us out of the economic doldrums and into a re-scripted economy. The word being used is sustainability. In the old language it was Quality.
Quality is an inherent characteristic of something that is usually perceived by intuition, feeling, taste, touch, observation, and it is usually difficult to quantify. Why? Because Quality is a measure of the Life Force, Truth, Beauty and Goodness of a thing, person, or idea. We feel and resonate with the vibrations of Quality because that is who we are innately. It is our essential beingness.
Source - or God - is the highest Quality there is. Vibrating to the highest, purest, fastest frequencies without resistance, these Source Vibrations always feel Good. Always. They always feel enlivening, uplifting, and glorious. When these qualities are included in a product, a speech, a concept, or a service, we immediately recognize it as Source, but we call it Quality.
Restoration and invigoration of the economy is going to be predicated on returning to Source, first in our consciousness and thinking, and then in our earthly creations. We might start via the economic route, however, because Quality always makes sense.
A good example is purchasing shoes. About 8 years ago I purchased Munro Boots, an American company headquartered in Arkansas. I paid about $125.00. These boots had real rubber soles and real leather uppers, with absolutely no synthetic chemicals. I am still wearing these same boots, and they still look great. Amortize the purchase so far and I've spent $15.62 per year for these fine leather dress boots.
Let's talk cars for a moment. In 1997 a friend purchased a Toyota 4-Runner for about $30,000. She drove it for 265,000 miles and only just replaced it because she wanted an automatic transmission rather than the standard transmission. She sold this 4-Runner for $6,500. Let's do the math: effectively the car cost her $23,500. Divide that by 10 years is $2350 per year which is about $6.50 per day. It still looked great and ran wonderfully. Quality.
One last example is food. When we eat industrially grown spinach full of chemicals, pesticides and other toxins, it would take 10 bowls of this spinach to equal one bowl of powerfully nutritious, organically grown spinach. Quality. So at the grocery you look at the industrial grown spinach and see it is cheaper at the price point than the organic - the hidden, unseen Quality is what you are paying for in the organic produce. And that Quality translates to available nutrition for your body to energize, heal and fuel itself. This translates into a stronger immune system and less doctor visits and prescription drugs. In the long run, over time, Quality is it hands down. It's efficient, effective and full of Good, which we deserve.
Quality is where our economic future and prosperity await us. It takes the eyes to see and the awareness to perceive It. This is called a higher consciousness and is our individual work.
Then, there will be no need for unions or trade agreements. Quality will be desired, Naturally.
Thanks for reading!
Labels: cars, eating whole organic foods, economic growth, economic recovery, higher consciousness, In Her Shoes, individual work, Munro Comapny, Quality, Toyota
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