Cleaning Up Your Vibrational Signature - Part 3: Changing Your Focus
Turn OFF your televisions!
I repeat, turn off your televisions. If need be, for awhile, eliminate news radio, gossips, your old friends, and whomever or whatever is the old channel that you have been listening to that is a steady diet of negative and toxic vibrations. Listening and seeing toxic vibrations is just the same as eating chemical toxins. They are poison. They take you places you do not want to go.
When you entertain them, this is your point of focus in the now moment; and this is what you are busy creating more of.
In this third part of Changing Your Vibrational Signature, we are going to focus on changing your point of focus. It is important that you "get it" that doing or having the same vibrational signature (internal attitude), is always going to get you more of the same of what you are experiencing right now.
Are you sick of lack of money, ill health, disease, war, what? Then you must turn your focus away from what is and refocus yourself towards what is wanted.
This is why bad things happen to good people.
Each of us is responsible for our own internal attitude, countenance, vibrational offering. As you watch a television commercial for diabetes, what are you focusing your Source Energy on? Sickness! When you passively sit with talk radio on and listen to a steady stream of negative thoughts, criticisms, what's bad, what's wrong, who's to blame, ask yourself where are you focusing your Source Energy? Guess what you are going to experience in your life?
How to shift that focus:
1. Increase your awareness of how it feels to you.
You sit in the break room at work and listen to the same people saying the same things day after day: how disrespectful their children are, their husband is drinking, their mother is sick, doctor visits, diagnoses, treatments, a litany of stuff that cannot possibly feel good to you. Yet, you sit there and take it in. Why? Is it because you think it is impolite to leave? Who cares? This is your life! What you take in,you are focused on. What you are focused on is what you will get more of and what you contribute to the world.
What can you do?
Excuse yourself. Go outside and take a walk around the block with the intention of breathing fresh air, seeing something lovely, enjoying the feel of your body as it loves to move, breathe, see and hear and feel....Now notice how you feel inside. Better, of course. You feel more ease even Good.
2. Change Your Focus Deliberately.
So your wife is ranting and raving at you. Your boss is saying snide remarks. What can you do? Excuse yourself. You do not have to be there. You don't need to make a grand exit, having the last word, getting your dig in. Rather, you can say, "Excuse me, I just remembered, I need to..."
You are sovereign in your life. You get to say where you are, what you are present for, what you will listen to, and when and where you will place your focus. When you do excuse yourself from any situation, deliberately refocus on something that is lovely, good, uplifting, positive. Have a plan. Have some subjects at the ready that you can turn to, already prepared, that will help you shift your internal state. Like what? Well, the smile of child, the day at the beach, the taste of those fresh peaches last summer, the night sky, a lovely poem, or an inspirational quote.
So, your assignment this week? Change the channel and focus on what feels Good. Next installment: the art of focusing on what is wanted.
This is applied spirituality. This is being the conscious and deliberate Creator that you Are.
Thanks for reading!
Labels: applied spirituality, awareness, change focus, conscious decision, deliberate focus, sovereignty
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