Friday, November 21, 2008

Evolution of Consciousness

Hello Everyone,

I've been pondering consciousness of recent. Most specifically that America has reached a critical mass of some level that has enabled the first African-American to become our next president.

I'm fortunate to live in the country where the night sky is incredible. My nightly routine is just before bed, I go out on my deck and review my day, appreciate everything that has come my way that day and savor the feeling of contentment that all is right with the world. On one particular my thoughts then began to tick backwards to more recent history, appreciating people that had contributed to this moment: the Beatles, Timothy Leary, Janis Joplin, Jimmy Hendrix, Maslow, John Kennedy, Bobby Kennedy, Martin Luther, Rachel Carson, Joel Goldsmith to name but a few.

Then my mind leaped back in time even further, fueled by the fact that I had just watched the HBO series about John Adams. My mind and heart swelled with the realization that our founding fathers were inspired by a higher consciousness, so much so that they created a government that the world had never seen before.

Then I began to realize that everyone that has ever come before us, has participated in the evolution of consciousness. My parents, your grandparents, all the way back to the first upright human who had a thought of himself.

Then I realized that there is a plan, albeit a loose plan, for bringing this planet and mankind into Light and Life, back into the Conscious Realization of God.

I wish you could have taken the journey with me to feel the perfection of Life. All is well, dear readers. We now take our steps in the journey of Consciousness. Let's reach for the stars.

Thanks for reading!


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