Monday, September 22, 2008

Banking, Wall Street and Monetary Policy:Human Mind Disconnected From Source: Lemmings

Hello Everyone,

Well, quite a week last week with respect to banking and Wall Street, eh? Lemmings come to mind.
Watch this short video and consider human mindless behaviors.

Lemming Migration Along the Norwegian Coast

Humans have a Godchip, a Source of wisdom and Infinite Intelligence. But without accessing it and applying it in every moment of life, it is useless. It's tantamount to having a million dollars in the bank and not knowing it.

I have been a mortgage loan officer off and on for 20 years. I've seen all kinds of market climates and conditions. I even remember 22% interest rates in the early 1980's. No other market reflects human mind consciousness of lack more easily and readily than money and monetary policy.

Human mind thoughts separated from Source believe fundamentally in lack. There simply is not enough of it, and I'd better get mine before it runs out.

I'd like to interject here that the Stock Market was initially conceived as a way to capitalize companies. Offering small portions of an equity share to lots of investors was a good idea to raise capital for a growing and worthy enterprise. Initially, an intelligent and discerning investor would presumably investigate the company. What was the product or idea? Would it serve the greater good? Was management qualified and effective individually and as a team? Was it a sound investment? If the answer was yes, then the investment and monetary vote of confidence was made into that venture. Ideally, this should still be the sole and singular consideration when investing or divesting from a company. In those days, of course, accounting firms were pretty straight forward. There weren't so many funny ways of entering assets and liabilities to cloud the understanding of the balance sheets. But as is always the way, human mind rooted in lack, has found more and more complicated and, shall I say, inventive ways of reporting these ledgers.

However, sound investing and sound monetary policy is not rocket science, but rather a matter of Common Sense. One has enough reserves to maintain fiscal health and stability; one does not make loans to uncreditworthy applicants; one does not make an unsecured loan without a sufficient equity position. These are not excessive, but prudent to the health of the institution. In this case, a bank.

Now, as to lending policies. Why would all the banks, among them the most reputable, be departing from sound lending practice to bring the banking industry to a near state of collapse?
Answer: Human mind without connection to Source. Beginning and end of story.

How could this have been prevented? Connection to Source and the courage to say no thanks.

Take Bank of America, for example. Someone or someones there had some connection to Source and looked at what was going on and questioned the human mind premise. Bank of America always was known as a more "difficult" place to place a mortgage loan. They were so particular. You had to show this and you had to prove that, and no, they weren't making those kinds of loans. When the first of the giants topped, Countrywide, Bank of America was the white knight infusing billions into them.

Almost a year later, the domino effect is in evidence as one right after the other is near collapse.

A friend of mine said the other day that he was going to take his money out of the stock market and buy gold. I asked him, "Is the stock still a valid purchase? I mean, is it a good company doing a good job with a needed and necessary service or product?" His answer was he didn't know, but he was getting out of the market. This, is quintessential lemming behavior. This is why we see large swings in the stock market. The lemmings rush here to get out quick; the lemmings rush there to get back in quick. The lemmings rush right over the cliff and drown without consulting the Godchip. Is this correct action for me?

From top to bottom, the US Monetary Policy is based on lemming behavior: a mindset rooted in lack and disconnected from Source including the Federal Reserve.

It is time to start using that Godchip we were each and every one of us endowed with. Does it feel right? Does it feel correct? This is how your Godchip communicates with us. When you cross it, it feels wrong. Listen to your feelings; they are telling you whether you are on the path to your Good or not. But first, you'll have to un-numb yourself. You'll have to get off the antidepressants, off the Xanax and Prozac, off the alcohol and valium. You have to FEEL. Once you're feeling your feelings, then you can discern what wisdom your Godchip is dispensing and never again be a lemming, but rather the Creator that you are.

By the way, this is also known as Group Think and Peer Group Pressure. Fortunately, there is a cure: applied spirituality. Everything you need, you already have. We can help you get yourself reconnected.

Thanks for reading!


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