Friday, August 22, 2008

Personal Consciousness, Common Sense and Current Events

Hello Everyone,

Just when you think you've seen it all as far as lack of common sense, you can be stunned by the latest current developments. One thing that is clear to me: personal development requires conscious application.

Yesterday the New York Times published an article announcing that the FDA will now start irradiating some foods.

First of all, not enough people die per annum from E Coli or Salmonella poisoning for us to even be concerned about this issue. So why then would the FDA be so quick to want to start such an over kill program of irradiation? This gives one pause to consider such actions. We're going to nuke our food just in case? What I wonder is how much this adds to the price of food, for one. And what does this do to the food, itself, never mind the pesky pathogen.

You know, it seems a bloody miracle that any of us has lived to be the age that we are. I mean when I was growing up nobody had seat belts, everyone rode around in the back of a pick up truck; kids didn't have helmets and knee pads. People canned their own food. Somehow we grew up and lived to tell the tale.

Similarly, for all these years we've been eating dangerous spinach, broccoli, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, etc. How astounding this is; so much so that the population has grown to the largest numbers ever. E Coli is no threat except as magnified in the media.

Let's have a simple lesson on E Coli. According to Wikipedia:

Escherichia coli (commonly E. coli), is a bacterium that is commonly found in the lower intestines of warm-blooded animals. [including humans] Most E. coli strains are harmless, but some can cause serious food poisoning in humans, and are occasionally responsible for costly product recalls. The harmless strains are part of the normal flora of the gut, and can benefit their hosts by producing vitamin K2, or by preventing the establishment of pathogenic bacteria within the intestine.

E. coli are not always confined to the intestine, and their ability to survive for brief periods outside the body makes them an ideal indicator organism to test environmental samples for fecal contamination. The bacteria can also be grown easily and its genetics are comparatively simple and easily-manipulated, making it one of the best-studied prokaryotic model organism and an important species in biotechnology.

This leads us to the source of an E Coli contamination: shit. The contamination of watershed from cattle feedlots. Improper fertilization. Why do you think you wash your hands after you go to the bathroom? E Coli.

We do not need our food irradiated. The biggest question I have about this methodology is what does exposing LIVE food to radiation do to the LIVE FOODS? Those foods are our source of nutrition. Many of those foods contain important phytonutrients that protect us from other diseases, like cancer. So now the FDA wants to nuke our green foods, because 12 people a year die from E Coli or Salmonella poisoning. This, is fishy business to me.

Wake up people. It's trendy and quite the thing right now to be identified as "green". Do your part to recycle and walk to work. But the substance and essence of "green" is chlorophyll, Life and the nutrition that is imparted to our bodies by the foods we consume.

Already Industrial Farming has lowered the nutritional content of our foods by as much as 60% with practices that actually weaken our food, i.e. genetic engineering, chemical pesticides and fertilizers. Now, they want to irradiate the food, for 12 deaths a year. If you don't think this sounds fishy, you're not paying attention with your Knowing or your Godchip, otherwise known as your Good Common Sense.

Stand back and look at the bigger picture, folks. "Those people" that you voted for and trusted your well being to have gotten us to where we are today. We are sicker than ever before, we are poorer than ever before, and they are promising you what? They throw you an "economic stimulus" check and how far did that go?

If you think - or are you even thinking at all - that "they" have your welfare in mind, you have another thought coming. They are only interested in big business, power, and the John and Jane Does of America are the pawns. You can only be a pawn if you choose to be one. If you allow yourself to be led down a path like a sheep. Sheep, you may or may not know, are really stupid creatures.

They are not interested in fixing something; they are only interested in making you afraid of something and then finding somebody else to blame it on; all the while behind the scenes doing the exact things that will enhance their own private interests. They are not public servants interested in our welfare; they serve power and money and themselves.

So, you're afraid of so many things? That's how you are easily led, by your fears. Let there be an unexplained and difficult to find source for an E Coli outbreak, they ruin the tomato farmer for this year, and then, oh dear, sorry, it was the peppers. Don't you ever question what "they" are feeding you day in and day out? Look here, this is scary. Oh, look there, that's really terrorizing.

This entire last 7 years has been led with one thing at its base: FEAR.

America, we have a heritage of brave and courage people, like you and I. Are we sheep? Can we not think for ourselves and reason for ourselves?

How many people in your own private world do you know are on pharmaceutial drugs of some sort now? Don't you think there's something really strange about that? And why are so many on drugs? They are sick. Why are so many so sick? The FOOD, people, the FOOD!

We'd all best start thinking for ourselves and realizing that WE ARE GOD, NOT 'THEY'.

We have the Knowing, the Intuition, the Source within each of us to chart us a better course, but only once and for all, when we, the people, take back our power by Remembering Who We Really Are.

Wake Up America. For God Sake, Wake Up. I'm hoping we awaken before the November election. Feel the Truth of something, people. Feel the rightness of something. They have told you that you need protection, you don't. They have told you to be afraid. You have nothing to fear. They have told you, "they" know best. They do not.

If you don't want more of the same, You have to awaken and take up your own bed and walk.
Fearlessly. Consciously. It is TIME.

Thanks for reading!


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