Friday, July 18, 2008

We Can Solve It!

Hello Everyone,

Today a friend sent me a speech by Al Gore which is below, so you can listen to it. My comments are confined to the concept that we can solve anything we put our minds to. Period. While I understand the necessity of addressing the negative, let's keep it in perspective. The "negative" that we perceive as such is simply the platform from which we can be very clear about what it is that WE NOW WANT.

Energy independence is certainly in the top three of what we now want, to be sure. And I am certain that we want clean, cheap energy as well, that is available to everyone like the air is. These things are within our grasp if we STOP FOCUSING ON THE PROBLEM AND REFOCUS ON THE SOLUTIONS.

Yesterday I watched a marvelous movie, In the Shadow of the Moon, a Ron Howard film about how America put a man on the moon. We were inspired to reach beyond our grasp by John Kennedy. When Kennedy announced that he was calling on American for a "new enterprise" we did not have the technology at hand. We had to reach into the infinite, within ourSelves, and create the solutions along the way to Apollo 11's successful flight.

Indeed we are at a place in America where a "new enterprise" is needed. Many in fact, but it is by blessed way of the powerful negative that we have arrived at these new conclusions.

Each of us can contribute to this new enterprise by envisioning what it is we want and by ceasing immediately from the constant dwelling on what is wrong. Write to your chief news media and tell them you want to hear what is going right. Tell them you want in headline news, the good progress and cooperations that are happening in key areas. Tell them you will turn them off, if they persist in beating the over tired drums of doom and gloom.

We get what we are focused upon. Imagine if we were told daily briefings on the progress of hydrogen fuels, solar and even new promising ideas such as sound. Can you imagine what new ideas that might spark in yourself? Imagine how much more uplifting it would be to go to bed at night with a new promising idea in your head?

America, you have to speak up. Now is the time. Stop settling for inferior, sleazy, low quality in anything and everything. Turn off the mind-numbing stuff and turn on the exciting, inspiring, and motivational things that enliven you, which enlivens us as a nation.

Write your senators and representatives. Tell them you want to hear of non-partisan progress in energy, the economy, the quality of our food, and whatever else you wish to see changed. And identify clearly the change you would like to see. Add not only your voice and vote, but add your energy to it by seeing it as a completed creation of good for everyone.

We alone get to choose what we think about. Choose carefully what you wish to see. Nurture that like you would a new baby. Feed it love, feel its joy, adore the people who are contributing and appreciate every single step of the way until its birth into reality.

I applaud Al Gore for taking the lead along with T. Boone Pickens in spearheading creative and clean solutions for America. Let's keep it positive. Let's keep it creative. Let's keep it non-partisan. I call on America for this great new enterprise - recreating America anew.

Here's the video of Al Gore's speech followed by Boone Pickens speech.

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Thanks for Reading!


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