Why Bad Things Happen to Good People
Just this morning I had a call from one of my best friends. On Friday she and her husband left for vacation from the Eastern Sierras in California to enjoy three weeks in the Pacific Northwest. But by Saturday afternoon they turned back home. They had a call that Oak Creek which borders the Mount Whitney Fish Hatchery in Independence, CA had jumped its banks as a torrent of flood water and mud oozed its way through the Hatchery where they live. http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-landslide15-2008jul15,0,6405307.story
My friend's husband is the Fish and Game Warden for the Bishop area and as such their housing is at the Hatchery. My friend recently retired from California State Parks.
When they arrived home, they surveyed the damage: their house itself was still intact albeit with 3' of mud piled up against the back side of the house. The garage and storage shed, however, that were along the banks of the Oak Creek were gone. Their 5th wheel was wrapped around a tree some distance from the house; the car buried in mud past the tires, and the truck damaged by the moving 5th wheel. His classic Harley, which he's had since high school has not yet been found. All his tools, history.
The reasons I write this story today is essentially this: He is a constant worrier. He frets about everything and often walks about in a state where one does not dare to tread.
A really wonderful, stand up guy, he thinks about the worst and keeps himself in a negative internal state most of his waking hours.
By contrast, his wife, is someone who sees the magic in everything, looks for the good and always finds it.
In this scenario, essentially all the losses in this event were his. The house and her items are untouched; literally everything that is "his" is gone.
I saw things like this after the Cedar Fire here in San Diego in 2003. When I returned after having been evacuated for a week, I drove and walked the areas just marveling at how it burnt this, but not that. The only conclusion I could come to was the vibrational countenace of those involved.
I speak from the vantage point of personal experience and personal observation. The year before the Cedar Fire, my trailer on my property blew up all by itself. Even the arson squad could not determine a cause. Accidental to be sure, but they couldn't identify the source for certain. In my own mind, I could. It was my vibration, as I had wished for a new life. I was miserable. Well, I got it.
When the Cedar Fire blew threw my neighborhood four times and less than a year later, and after I had moved back onto my property in a new 5th wheel, my new trailer was untouched. I had my answer. In that year from the time my trailer burnt down to the Cedar Fire, I had spent a lot of time doing my own inner work, raising my own vibrational countenance on many, many issue. When I saw how the Cedar Fire had literally burned just around my trailer and took everything else, I knew that this "vibrational" stuff was absolutely True.
As my friend described the damages to me this morning, I saw the pattern and asked her, "So, you, per se, are literally unscathed in this event?" "Yes," she replied. "And it's mostly his loss?" Again, "Yes."
Bad things happen to good people because they focus themselves on the negative. Your attention to a subject invites it into your experience. If you walk around in fear that bad things happen, they will.
I thought this story would illustrate it more than another "theory" talk. Two people, married, living in the same household. She holds her vibration to the Good. He holds his vibration to the negative and keeps himself in that state of worry.
Which will you do? Your choice, totally.
Thanks for reading!
Labels: choice, law of attraction, Mt.Witney Fish Hatchery, vibrational countenance
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