Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Truth or Dare: The Change We Seek is Truth


Hello Folks,

This afternoon I see there is another brouhaha with Pastor Wright and Senator Obama at the center once again.

This is good stuff. Not for the reasons you might think, but for getting the "pink elephant" in the middle of America's living room finally out in the open.

What's the elephant? Americans don't trust their own government. We doubt the veracity, the sincerity and the substance of what we are told. We doubt that the government, our politicians, and most certainly the lobbyists have anything of the greater good in mind at all.

Reverend Wright simply has the "audacity" to speak his mind. For this I applaud him. I wish with all my wee heart that he wasn't so bent on "black" liberation, but would include all of us in his bid for more freedom, truth and joy in America.

The truth of the matter is that it has been a very, very long time since Americans believed in or believed their government. I think maybe "politician and lobbyist" might have sunk below the lawyer and used car salesman bid for the lowest of the low.

If Senator Obama represents change, and I certainly hope that he does, then isn't the primary change we, the citizens MUST insist on, is a firm and absolute dedication to the utter and complete truth, no matter how awful it might be?

Senator Obama can seize the day right now and THANK Reverend Wright for bringing up the issue of lying in America. He can also use the platform of "black liberation" and use that to expand on the notion to "freedom for all Americans" from lying, manipulation and self-serving interests - corporate, political or individual.

So, here it is folks, like the child in the family that just blurts out the truth in front of company, Reverend Wright speaks it as it is. He doesn't trust the government. Do you?

I know I don't; and the sequel to that one is with all my heart I believe in an America where we both can and do. I believe it is possible, even probable. It starts with you and me. We insist on it.
We ask Senator Obama to champion the change we want most - the unvarnished Truth.

When we start telling the Truth here in America, then the issues we're distracted with - health care, the economy, oil, you name it - then we can Really Solve Them together.

Thanks for reading!


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