Friday, February 15, 2008

Common Sense

"A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom." - Thomas Paine

"In recent days, there is a sense of movement and a sense of spirit. Something is happening in America and people are prepared and ready to make that great leap."
REPRESENTATIVE JOHN LEWIS, referring to growing support for Barack Obama.

Good Morning Everyone!

A magical thing happened yesterday here in Descanso, with only 20% chance of showers forecast, we ended up having the most wonderful snow storm! Yep. Nearly 4" of snow on the ground, much needed moisture in the form of gentle snow, and best of all, a snow day!

Magical things are happening in America, too. John Lewis is quoted above as he, too, notes that sense of movement and spirit amongst the American people. He is referring to growing support for Barack Obama, I refer to the movement, itself.

In recent days the notion of Common Sense has returned to me over and over. So I did a bit of research and read portions of Tomas Paine's, Common Sense published in 1776. His words are in recommendation for a revolution from England as ruler. His words make great common sense, but the movement is what is important to note here as well.

Mr. Paine reveals the reaching for expansion of the American Spirit. Time to throw off the shackles of a superior (England) that would dictate our future and let us become self-determining. His words reflect a shift in consciousness towards more liberty, more freedom, more joy in the reclaiming of our right to create our own future.

With a few alterations to Mr. Paine's text, that "movement of spirit" that Mr. Lewis is referring to is also about the American people's reaching and expansion for more liberty, more freedom and more joy in the re-claiming of our right to create our own future in 2008 and beyond.

Freedom from what? Who has been creating our future? What is the need or urging to take that leap and reclaim what? Our own thoughts, our own minds, our own self-will.

There is the reawakening from a deep slumber of the American people who have let, allowed, and relinquished their thoughts to government, policy makers and the press. For quite some time now we have let 'them' to tell us what we want, what we need, how we feel, how to feel, what's best for us, the state of the nation, the state of the world, and the state of the economy. We have allowed this as simple children. We have willingly relinquished to 'them" ( and there are all manner of 'them' - doctors, scientists, politicians, educators, government, etc.) our innate, inborn authority, knowing and wisdom.

It has only been by the sharp contrasts of the last 7 years and continuing early into this new year of 2008 of continuing gloom and doom, that we are finally able to reach for something that feels much better - taking back our own voices and the willingness to determine our own future once again. Thank you very much!

Mr. Lewis "feels" the stirring amongst the people. "They" don't know any better than we do.
If "they" can cause us to feel so helpless, so scared, so disempowered, then we shall take the lead and return us to our state of joy and all possibility.

When I was growing up the term "American Ingenuity" was a staple. We could do anything when we put our minds to it. We could solve any problem, create any new invention that we might need, we were a hopeful, happy, resourceful and positive people. Over a long period of years, we have become gloomy, pessimistic, fretful, scared, and willing to give over our power to anyone who takes the podium who promises to "make it all go away" or "will keep us safe."

Our love of life and joyous existence has been too stiff a price to pay for "safety". And safety is an illusion when we are kept in a constant state of fear or anxiety. Perhaps not consciously, but intuitively, the American people are moving towards that freedom from .....FEAR.

Keep the people in enough fear, long enough, and they will eventually say, "Damn the fear, I am sick of it. I want joy." Americans are at long last loosing faith in "them". Thank God. The result is a reassumption of their own knowledge, their own wisdom, and their own ability to choose, for ourselves, what direction we desire, what we want to be as a people. We want to be happy again! We want to face our challenges with optimism and a faith in ourselves.

It is only Common Sense raising it's Spirit, at last, and of course. For the Common Sense of each of us is that Godchip within every being. That Godchip that reaches always for joy, for love, for creating and expanding in delight. The human mind can dominate the Godchip for only so long, and then the great ISING of Spirit bubbles up inexorably and demands satisfaction.

We can. We can have a strong economy. We can have prosperity and abundance. We can have peace. We can determine what is best for us and include love in the equation. We can, yes we can. There is nothing that we cannot be, do or have when we focus that Spirit - that Godchip - and align with "It is done."

Good on you, Mr. Lewis for noticing the shifting sands amongst the American People. It is this shift that the pollsters do not count, the politicans cannot feel, and the government is blind to. But it IS.

I saw a bumper sticker just the other day that read, "If the people lead, the leaders will follow." It's an exciting time to watch as John and Jane Doe awaken to their own Leadership within - a Leadership that points to love, that demands creating, that insists on joy, inclusion and infinite possibilities. Oh, indeed, yes we CAN.

Thanks for reading!


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