I love words, but more, I love to find where they came from. The etymology of a word is usually fascinating and reveals the deeper, truer meaning of a word for reconsideration for us in the modern usage.
I am one who had Latin in high school. Back in the day when one could get an excellent education at public schools. Mind you this was in Ohio and Pennsylvania. All in all I had four years of Latin. I only wish I'd had Greek as well. The point to this is that I learned to pull words apart in order to discern their meanings and intuit a deeper meaning or an original meaning.
So I got to thinking about Resolve. It's a new year and we naturally look back over the previous year and make determinations. We liked this; we enjoyed that; we want more of this, and MUCH less of that; and by the contrast of events we choose a new desire and make our New Year's Resolutions. We Resolve. Re-solve.
So I looked for the etymology of the word and found it comes from the Latin: solvere (you're gonna love this) to free! So, re-solve is to be free again!
If you view the word "resolve" from the vantage point of "becoming free again", that meaning informs your interior state. "I'm tangled up in a web that I don't enjoy and I want FREE of it."
How different this is from making a mental declaration to yourself that I will loose 10 pounds or stop drinking or whatever.
It feels different. I feels better. It imparts an understanding of where I am and where I want to go. It gives me a mental picture of unraveling a knot and climbing out of the center of the mess, leaving the knot behind and simply walking on without it.
What do we Re-Solve?
What knot are we entangled within that we no longer enjoy or desire?
The nature of our Godchip is freedom and joy. Where do we dally with our human-mind focus that no longer serves?
Where is it time to course correct, wriggle free and skipity doo dah on down the path TOWARD the joy in more freedom.
We are so free that we can and do build our own prisons; thought prisions. We get stuck in thought patterns that hold us back, down and kill us. They don't feel good, they feel bad. Yet, we keep focusing on and in the same lifeless thought patterns. Fear, lack, disease. Enough!!!
When I get that way, I hear myself say, "Alright. Time for a new re-freshing thought." I get quiet. I breathe. and I break free of that thought pattern and allow my Godchip to inspire me in a new thought.
Let's not spend one second dismantling the thought prison, deliberating on how we got there, why this block, where this bar came from; but rather let's just slip out and breathe fresh, clean free air and create anew.
And don't look back! Remember Lot's wife? She turned to a pillar of salt. There is no point to looking back, there is only now. Are you free? If not; re-solve. Free yourself. When you're free, create anew in joy. Your Godchip is "ising" new, fresh and creative thoughts for you if you but listen.
Thanks for reading!
Labels: create anew, freedom, new year, resolve
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