Friday, December 21, 2007

Purple States: Hurrah! Labels Are Falling!

Good Morning Everyone!

Reading the New York Times Online this morning, I ran across an inspiring story: Introducing Purple States.

I had to think back for a minute to grade school art classes when we learned to mix colors; and by gosh I remembered that red + blue = purple. I don't know who thought up the labels of "red states" and "blue states", but that might go down in history as the most divided time in recent history.

And I remember thinking I'm neither! As much as the politicos would like to pigeon hole us, we can't be. Now approaching the Primaries in 08 (just got my pamphlet in the mail yesterday), I am glad to see that the people, we, are changing the face of the politics in America.

I had a most enlightening and enjoyable conversation with my realtor yesterday. We talked about lots of ideas and concepts in light of the current situation in America today. What I know is that these conversations are happening all over the Nation: earnest, sincere regular folks are grappling with choosing the very best candidate to represent them, not big interests.

But ordinary folks aren't just interested in the issues that directly affect them, but have real concerns for the larger issues such as the war in Iraq, our economy, our future, and I think at the heart of all the discussion, is our image of ourselves as a Nation.

Republican, Democrat, Independent, Green, Libertarian - all labels - everyone is first an American who loves this place we all call home. Everyone is concerned with our direction, our "feel" of ourselves, our presence in the world, and what we represent. We are grappling with "our mission", "our focus", our very identity.

The encouraging part, to me, is that the people are now on board for their own future. In past elections people were happy to be led. Now, they are wanting to lead with their voices and their votes. We as a people, one by one, are picking up our own beds and walking forward sincerely looking for those who would represent our feelings and concerns as we are more clearly identifying what we DO want by having experienced a long and protracted period of experiencing what we DO NOT want.

And this is perfection. This is how we grow, learn, expand and change and choose again, by the contrasts we experience. We feel the pain and discomfort and immediately know what we prefer, sending out a collective desire for more choice, more truth, more real, more sincere, and we are now choosing to participate, listen carefully with our Godchips more than our ears to know what is so.

2008 is going to be known as the year of America's Pivot. This is the year we more consciously choose our own course rather than being led by thoughts and platforms that others have chosen for us. Rather, we the people, will write the platform.

Follow the link ( in the weeks to come and witness the emergence of the Purple States - We the People. Applied spirituality in action.

Thanks for reading!


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