Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Good Day Everyone,

Today finds much of the Midwest in the throws of a relentless ice storm. Late in October were the recent wildfires in San Diego. While in Las Vegas and Colorado shootings. Appearances of "bad".

What do we make of these things? How do we internalize and deal with them? Does "shit" just happen?

First of all let me say that "shit" does not just happen. We are the creators of all that we experience. All of it. The next question is how are we doing this?

Each moment builds on the previous moments. How we are perceiving and internalizing what is happening "now" sets the stage for what is to follow. Back in 2001 at the event of 911 (and of course that moment having been set in motion by previous moments), we as a nation embarked on a sustained and ever-deepending course of fear. And for the last 6 years we have built fear upon fear. Lead by and choosing to focus on ideas of lack, limitation, vulnerability and powerlessness heaped upon us by media steeped in fear-based and sensationalized reporting, addicted to newscasts, we became a society of fear inch by inch.

Fear begets more fear and what we fear appears. It's Law.

When my boys were small in the 80's I recall telling them that what you put into your body and mind will come out. Garbage in, garbage out. Quality in, Quality out. It's quite that simple.
This year is my 17th year without network television. I gave it up in 1990 after returning from Cornell to San Diego to find that my television antenna had been ripped out by the tenants as they opted for cable. I couldn't imagine paying for television; and having just spent 2.5 years at Cornell with the mandate to read everyday the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times, I was not inclined. I'd read the papers and listened to the news and decided that they weren't reporting the news, they were interpreting it for me. I didn't need someone else to interpret anything for me. And at that time determined for myself that the news was not being reported without bias.

It continues this way today, but even more so. Attention to good news items is scant. I suppose I would be inclined to listen if equal attention were paid to "good" news stories as is paid to "bad" news stories, but this is not the case.

And the most important aspect for me, is how it makes me feel. How can anyone listen to doom after doom with that "tone" and not be affected adversely?

Why does this matter? We get to the question of what do we do with this information and how do we internalize it?

Unless you've practiced yourself hugely and know how to "selectively sift" through a news item, a horror story, a dire report - you cannot hold your own vibration in a high place of well being.
Your vibrational countenance slides downwards with each moment. This in turn causes you to vibrate at that "fear" place. Now add to yourself all the others doing the same thing and you have a collective consciousness of fear that is attracting to it events that will match that fear vibration. Thus we have "events". Consider that we could have been creating wonderful "events"....

The good news about these "bad events" is that they provide the platform from which we desire a new circumstance and send forth our "rockets of desire" for better experiences, more quality, safety, joy...whatever. So it goes whether we are consciously aware of the process or not.
I cannot imagine that our nation as a whole is not quite thoroughly sick of living in a state of fear.
And if this is true, then we are individually and collectively sending out mass rockets of desire for better times, happier events, more peace and beginning to create those events now.

Recently with the last set of wildfires here in San Diego, I learnt something significant. I learned to look at an event with detach and know that it would pass. I also learned to mine that event for the contrast (the good) that I was grateful for and could delight in. I learned NOT to be sucked into the negative appearance of the event, but to instantly be looking for the silver lining.
I think Pollyanna typifies this thinking in her "Glad Game". What can I be glad for in this event?
And moving your thinking into that mode - consciously - is to move future events in that direction as well. The most beneficial aspect of taking on this conscious approach is you feel better right away.

Events happen all the time whether near or far. But finding the silver linings as your mode of being dictates whether you will go through the event well or not. This too shall pass, this is certain. Nothing stays the same for long. If you can but acknowledge that this event shall pass and consciously determine to mine it for it's blessings, positive aspects, indeed - the miracles - you begin to shift absolutely what kinds of things show up next.

My folks used to admonish my sisters and I when we were young to " think for yourselves". I can hear it now, "If your friends jumped over a cliff, would you jump too?" I would imagine that, a flock of my friends leaping off a cliff, and then thinking that of course I wouldn't. That one lessons reiterated countless times throughout my youth has served me well, as I learned to think for myself as a fundamental principle of my own life. As people respond en mass in like, I am grateful that I have cultivated the habit of listening to my internal Godchip, my True North.

I encourage you to cultivate listening to your Godchip now. It is uttering soft, soothing and positive messages to you all the time. Perhaps while listening to the news your child says, "come color with me!" Or maybe your dog nuzzles you to take it out for a walk. Or the warm sunlight streams into your window and you feel the urge to go outside for a walk. This is the manner in which you are guided towards your good, because it feels good if you would but allow it.

As to accusations of denial or ostrich position? My answer is always the same. What I focus on is what I will get more of. What my internal state is, is what I will experience. If I'm focused on doom and gloom, can I be focused on creativity or new ideas or new solutions? If I feel scared or sad can I offer upliftment or joy?

This, dear people, is our sovereign free will choice. This is applied spirituality. You get to choose your focus and your internal state. Mine your circumstances for aspects that make you glad, joyful, amazed, awed.

Then watch as that moment unfolds to another. You will begin raising your vibrational countenance, and as a nation we will raise our vibrational countenance collectively. Focused on new desires, new solutions, hope, our own power of being The Creators of Every Single Moment.

We can, America. Oh, yes, we can.

thanks for reading!


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