Thursday, August 30, 2007

The Sky is Falling!!!

Good Day All!

There's a wondrous event happening in the wee hours of September 1. (see link)

Living here in the mountains, the night sky is what I think of as our greatest benefit. A few years back there was a meteor shower, and we all made a party of it inviting friends and family to come in the middle of the night to watch the show.

It started around 2 am amid cloudy skies, but we persevered, looking first North, then South or wherever the clouds were not. I lay on the ground bundled in a blanket sipping hot tea. I lost count of the shooting starts at 275. It was amazing. This is when I truly pity the folks that live in cities.

There is another event coming around 4am PST the Aurigid Meteor Shower. Providing my alarm clock works and I read the article correctly, I'll be up attempting to catch the first photo with my wee camera. Who knows?

They say these are 2000 years old. I wonder how they can know that. And I wonder why I am so in awe of the night sky. I can't explain it. I look out into that vastness and I can breathe deeply, like, when you go home. It feels like home, sort of.

It quickens my imagination, it tickles my sense of wonder, it restores my soul. I breathe.
I imagine that everything "out there" is within hearing range of my voice. I imagine I can hear "them".

The human voices are silent in the night. There is a hush and what remains is - well - the Infinite Invisible - IT's voice and the myriad voices that make up "IT." I can contemplate more clearly and easily; I can have a new thought; I can solve something from this world; I can dream into life a new dream. The night sky inspires this in me.

The night sky is where physics and God join and are one. The explosion of a star, the creation of a new universe, the birth of a dream, the voices of every one who ever was and every one who ever will be are available to "hear". It's magical, it's science, it's Real and mostly it feels so good.

If you can, watch the skies and dream your own dreams and feel the support we have from All that Is. We are loved beyond measure; and they're putting on a show just for us.

Thanks for reading!


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