Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Each Day

Good Day Everyone,

It looks like we just might get some rain up here today! That would be wonderful.

I'm thinking lately how fearful people seem to be. What really concerns me is how they now automatically assume the worst, even in little things. Optimism seems to have vanished in lieu of doom and pessimism being the first and most immediate responses.

I think this is the result of conditioning over time. Acclimation to bad news in the absence of a healthy balance of the good news. This is what happens to us, inch by inch, and day by day unless we learn to sift out the wheat from the chaff and think for ourselves. This is what happens when we listen constantly to the "talking heads" whether they be on TV or on radio and absorb "their" thoughts rather than thinking our own.

Head in the sand you say? Denial? Perhaps. But isn't their slant on things the same thing? There are plenty of wondrous things happening all over the world which never get a mention. Everyday miracles happen, well being abounds and it is patently ignored. The news and news worthy items are more than just doom and bad news, it is the totality of what is happening in proportionate mention. This isn't being covered fairly. If it were, there would be more good news in full view in preponderance. Didn't the sun come up this morning? Did not the stars make their rotation on time? Is not your body working this morning? Didn't you have food on the table?

Certainly we are all working with challenges, but we are the Creators. When we feel a pinch, a feeling of dis-ease, it rises up in us a desire for well being and we ASK. IT is granted. If we allow this well being to flow into us, it manifests. Nothing is beyond our reach. There is so much more hope than not.

I was listening yesterday to Eckart Tolle's new book, In the Presence of a Great Mystery.
Thing is, it's not a mystery. It's in full view of you if you would but observe. Believe your own observations rather than buying into what "they" say.

Tolle speaks so specifically about the silence in between the words. It is the silence where the ground of God, yourSelf is. When we continually pray (ask, beg, beseech) we are sending. Even in a two-way radio on has to say"OVER" to let the other person speak. So try this. At the end of your askings, be still and listen. You've asked. You've been heard. Now hold yourself in the attitude of reception and allow your blessing to flow on in. The system has worked since the beginning of time. Pay attention and you'll see that it is so for yourself.

Thanks for Reading! Kath

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