Iraq Is in JOY
I am coming to love Yahoo News every day. They actually print happy news. Today they were covering Iraq's soccer win over Saudi Arabia.
Why do I think this is news worthy? Because every one's natural state is joyful well being. And if any people have had cause to ask, ask, ask for joy, it is the Iraqi people. And here is their soccer team showing them how to refocus on something that gives them joy. Bless sports. Bless Well Being and Bless this mechanism of the human being who has the choice to focus where it will.
“This is the happiest moment,” said Ali Hassan, 52, a Baghdad fan dancing in Paradise Square “The Iraqi people are thirsty to have moments of enjoyment.”
These days following the victory of their soccer team will give the people of Iraq time to focus on something that gives them joy. In these days of focus on something fun and good, their collective good is flowing into them.
In a companion piece (see link)
The Iraqi Parliament has gone into summer recess. Well, good for them. If you're stuck then you need to back off, go play and get a new perspective with fresh ideas in order to plow on.
What I really love is to see Iraq expressing it's innate well being. It even may be in juxtaposition to what others might want them to do, but what I feel is a new life coming into them with its own momentum, direction, solutions and joy. We are all connected to that same Source.
Iraq will find its way, uniquely theirs. Like each of us, one step at a time, one day at a time, whilst reaching for feeling better and better, it will come to them faster and faster.
Be Well Iraq. Find a way to live in joy for all of you, and drop the labels. See each other as fellow countrymen with room and plenty for all. I, for one, am wishing you all pure joy.
thanks for reading! Kath
Labels: Iraq, joy, soccer, well being
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