Saturday, July 21, 2007


Good Saturday to you all!

I like to read the NY Times online. Also the BBC and others. Today in the Times there's a wonderful article about why North Dakota is trying to get permission to legalize the growing of hemp. It's economic. Of course.

I love economics. It moves the world, truly it does. And it causes people to think about things in a new way. For years the whole brouhaha around hemp, to me, has been ridiculous. It's a marvelous plant with wonderful properties. Clothing, rope, all kinds of products for hair and skin care. It's natural, it's full of's from Source. Yet, some hysterical thinking and pompous righteousness has precluded it's growth here in the US for way too long. The people of North Dakota are to be commended for "thinking outside the box." They want to grow and expand.
And I particularly love what will happen next....they will be interacting with people they never would have had dealings with before. Like my neighbor, Albert. Albert sells hemp products at He and his wife Lydia are the most wonderful folks. They built an awesome eco-friendly home here in the mountains. They are forward thinking and broad-minded loving people. I love the idea of Albert and Lydia dealing with Republicans in North Dakota. Their love with overwhelm them.

Mostly, though, I think I love that the stereotypes are going to fall apart, the labels will disappear and hearts will deal with hearts because of an economic asking.

Ask and it is granted. You have to hear the answer. Kudos to the folks in North Dakota that could hear the answer even though their minds might not have wanted to even consider it as an option. I can hear the Rastafarian music in the pubs of the Dakotas now.

Life's good. Change is. There is always a way and always plenty.

Thanks for reading! Kath


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