Human Mind vs Godmind
In the course of a day, how many times do you think that there is a vast difference between what human mind perceives and what Godmind is?
We have been taught everything in human mind. We have been socialized, educated, homogenized.
That's why people in different regions of the planet think about things differently. We are schooled to think like our fellows, which, of course, gives rise to the many prejudices that abound.
But if in the course of life one could pause and perhaps wonder at all what Godmind thinks about this or that particular issue, then there would ensue a giant blank, a pause a quiet.
The idea of being here and growing one's soul or consciousness is to elevate it to that of Godmind. To see the highest perspective possible. That pure, high, fast frequency of love.
God includes, never excludes. It is, after all, all God. What is created outside of God is human mind. Human mind considers that there is something lacking, wrong, broken, sick, in need of.
In Godmind, there is All, the fullness thereof.
Within each and every person on the planet is that equal measure of God. That which is equal in everyone, our God-chip. That which animates and enlivens each of us. That which is the full potential of each of us. It delights in our diversity of thought. It enjoys that some like to ride horses, have sheep races, paint, poet, blast a trombone, dig in the garden, gather antiquities.
It LOVES to love. It loves to create, anything, everything.
It is for us to spiritualize the human mind, which is to say make it unafraid. The act of intending this, sitting in the quiet and allowing It to unfold within us, this is applied spirituality. Humans think of things in black and white, either/or. Godmind is AND, all inclusive with no fear.
What might this world look like if everyone knew his own sovereignty about what comes in and goes forth from his "unit". What might it all look like if we understood this law. Fear Not we are told. Then why do we doubt this? Why do we choose to believe some thing and toss others? Applied Spirituality is knowing your Oneness and in that there is no fear, no doubt, no other.
Sit, be still and receive. We are so busy "sending" or praying we never shut up long enough to hear that still small voice uttering its assurances. We are One with It, with each other. We have absolute voice in what we experience. Wouldn't you like to understand how your "unit" operates and become a black belt at your own unit? Life is skippity do dah in connection with It, in Oneness. That is everyone's sole work, no other. From there is a vista you cannot image with your human mind.
Practice. Persist. Apply. Show up for your quiet Oneness daily and just listen and receive.
Thanks for reading! k
Labels: applied spirituality, Godmind, oneness, practice, receive, thought
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