Monday, March 19, 2007

Listening Within

Last Thursday evening was the inaugural class of Applied Spirituality! I am privileged to be addressing a lovely group of women in Crest, CA. A side note is that during the 2003 fires a vast portion of Crest Mountain burned and many homes were lost. I arrived on Crest Mt. early that day and had a chance to tour around, even stop and visit the Crest Library. Many homes are still under construction and certainly the character of Crest has changed from a sleepy little village to a town that is starting to look much like any other down the "hill". Crest Library, however, didn't burn and continues to reside in a small bungalow. They have two public pc's and a tidy collection.
Crest Library is a part of the San Diego County Library so folks there have access to all 33 branches via the ordering system.

The first class went well, conducted in the home of one of the members. They are a lovely and eager group of women who are reaching for "more". More freedom. They intellectually know God but are now reaching to feel that connection and live it. They want to contribute their skills, talents and wisdom in the world. They want to feel fearless. They want to be abundant doing the thing they love. They are not unlike everyone else. They are not unlike You.

There is a PRACTICE. Like learning to play basketball, ice skate, play the violin, read, or learn math, it takes practice. We have a spiritual channel with a direct connection from within. And most of us, long ago, were taught to listen in our heads and not in our being. So what we hear in our head is "human mind". The human logic which is based on the lie of separation.

The subject of the first class was the lie of separation. In order to understand how "disconnection" happened and how pervasive it is, one has to understand that somewhere, somehow we collectively had some type of event that made us feel separated. Perhaps it was simply deciding to come into planet Earth, the farthest reaches from Source Energy where everything is able to be made material. Certainly we understood, knew without doubt, that we would always be connected to Source, but the "distance" in vibration is so vast that we feel disconnected, even though we are never. Maybe this was the ultimate Game.

I have often thought that between incarnations to various destinations there's a place, a sort of cosmic travel agency, where we go to decide where our next adventure will be. In there there's a rack with Cosmic Brochures to exotic destinations. The one for Earth advertises all the benefits of living in a physical, material world: Feel the wind in your hair! Make love with a body! Eat delicious foods of infinite variety! See your thoughts made manifest into actual physical creations! And the fine print says: "In order to enjoy planet Earth you must Remember Who You Really Are, Feel your Connection to Source and reclaim your Freedom!"

You know how good it feels when someone you love strokes your hair, puts their arms around you and assures you of how much you are loved? That feeling of assurance is available within.
Hebrews 13:5...for He hath said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. We must pick up the phone and listen for the still, small voice that whispers within.

Start your day with a breathing meditation. Take into your mind one single thought of Truth, perhaps the one above. Breath. Follow your respirations and listen within. We pray so much. We ask so much. We are sending so much. Stop transmitting and like in the CB radios, turn the switch over to "reception mode" and say, "Over."

The evolution of man is in process from the outward looking, outward dependency to the Within.
You are complete. You are replete. I promise you. Listen.

Thanks for reading! k


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