Bumping Into Labels
Very slow start today. We're having Santa Ana winds up here, the natural follow up to a good rain. Why would we possibily want to leave any moisture in the ground?
Did you know that in San Diego County we have 14 of the 16 world climates? I think it's true. I know someone out there will let me know if I'm wrong. Last week was proof positive of it. On Wednesday morning I woke to a winter wonderland up here and slid sideways down my driveway. I didn't get out until around noon when it warmed to 40 degrees. I'm sure in town they think we're delusional or liars up here.
Anyway, the wind. Yes, it is the psychic stick that stirs the pot. They go on for days and stir up any unfinished business you have with yourself. Woody, my cat, loves WATCHING the wind, but doesn't venture out. I think they're useful, but there are times when you simply raise the white flag and cry "Uncle!" Then it's time to head to the beach for a good dose of negative ions, or is it the positive ones.
Labels are our bias. It's where we try to catalogue and categorize all the information into what we believe is.....good or bad. We will shake you loose eventually from those polar positions!
The danger in clinging to those labels is that anyone can have a great idea, a new view, a better option, a new product, a wonderful play, a neat opinion, a revelation.
But if it comes from one of those labeled places, you won't pay attention. And further someone on the news is probably going to make it a bad idea, spin it all up into a knot, and then tell you why you should think it's a bad idea, too.
I think that's why I like the internet so much. It's consciousness. A lot of the bias is removed in simply a silent, printed word. You can read the words, feel the veracity of them for yourself and make a choice. Television and even radio are different, with pictures, music, color. Well, maybe that's why I like books, too. They simply tell their story in a printed word with no theatrics.
So bumping into labels like conservative, democrat, liberal, republican, really cripples us as a people, but cripples individuals from growing and expanding into more. Who care where a good idea came from, let's have it!
Oh, I remember reading somewhere in the past years that there had been a civilization on planet earth that used SOUND as their energy to move around. The only idea I could relate that to was the old Memorex commercial where the soprano's voice hit a beautiful high note that shattered the glasses. Now, if I told you that was channeled information (from the other side) how many of you would just stop listening, reading, or throw out the idea. But there you have it, why not? Why not sound? I don't think it has carbon monoxide as a by product. Why not explore the idea? But if you've bumped into a label, disguised as your fear, now's the time for you to have a look. How many times a day do you turn away, discount, ignore, dismiss something because you labeled it a bad thing. Boy, what you're missing...
the rest of God.
Thanks for reading, k
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