Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Good Afternoon All,

I've been down with flu for the past few days. Stubborn being that I am, it seems to take a giant whammy upside my head before I figure out that I either stay IN well being or I step out of it. My choice.

The "excuse" for my being "out" of well being has been the addition of a house on a parcel that boarders my property. We can use anything for our excuse, but the bottom line is that it only has it's "effects" on you. Me in this case.

How many times have I told myself not to accept the "appearances" of things. How many times have I schooled myself to "look for something good or pleasing". Consciousness is definitely a process and so it seems, never complete. And certainly only practiced in the moment.

When this development started I had fearful thoughts right from the get go. The loss of my privacy, what if there's not enough water, the traffic, blah... Well I got more of the same. The more fearful or lackful I thought, the more it kept happening. But what's important to understand in this is that my initial feelings once seeing what was going in were accurate. It was "out of sync" with well being. It was "out of alignment with Quality." Jesus said, "Agree quickly with thy enemy." Well, I didn't. I harbored it. I kept trying to put a happy face on it. I squelched it. What I didn't do was name it. Express it. I bagged it.

I got sick. Today I'm on the mend after probably 72 hours of sleep and reflection and that painful part of coming to consciousness of how I am creating the whole of my own reality. Resist not. The useful part of becoming sick is that we surrender. It certainly doesn't have to go that far. So today I realized how angry I was. I verbalized it. I cried. I released the resistance to my own Well Being. I'm on the mend.

How will I resolve this? Well, for one thing it ain't over it it's over. There is always something good at play. In fact, how many times have I told myself, "Relax, watch, your good is at play!" So knowing this is true, I can truly feel that taking over inside. Also, it's time for me to draw some gentle boundaries with my new neighbor. Perhaps a basket of oranges with a conversation supporting her development, but clearing defining where she has trespassed.

What is certain is this: until I feel fully connected back into Well Being, I am taking my very best advice and pausing, doing nothing, until I can feel "the peace that passes human understanding."
Then and only then will I have the green light to proceed. What ever has its foundation in Love will prosper. Whatever has it's foundation in fear will fail. It's a choice. My choice. My very own free will choice to be in Well Being or Not.

Thanks for reading! k


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