To Illuminate Without Scorching
I have to tell you this blogging is fun! I find myself thinking throughout the day, "What can I write about tomorrow that will touch a heart?"
Since Friday evening I've been watching the moon unfold to fullness, and now it is on the wane. But Friday evening after having spent the day in La Jolla, I was driving home fully due East. I had the joy of watching the sunset over Seal Beach. It's named that because really, there are seals lounging around there. Right now it's pupping season, so little guys were scattered all over the place. They were wiggling and rubbing their little feet together, nestling deeper into the sand to get more comfortable. Some thing we all love: a good nap.
Anyway after the sunset, dark fell fairly quickly and the sky was illumined from somewhere behind the mountains. At one particular turn she showed herself. The moon was rising in full. She was huge and glowed a faint yellow. I just burst out laughing. It was kind of like a game of peek a boo behind one mountain then another hill. But finally when I reached my exit in Descanso, there she was illuminating without scorching.
Maybe because I am a moon child born in July or maybe not, who knows, but I do my best work during the full moon. I've even been known to write poetry, which I never do any other time.Often I'm awakened in the night simply to go outside and behold the luminous light and how frosty everything looks. My cat, Woody, of course loves the night. But even he seems to sit at the window and especially adores watching the night bathed in moonlight. It's so gentle. So sweet.
I like to think that we could be that way with each other. Bathing each other in the soft, gentle light of love as we illuminate each other without scorching. After the high temperatures and severe harshness of the sun of last summer (we topped 113 degrees up here), the thought has even more meaning for me.
I am reminded of 1st Corinthians which describes love as patient, kind and bears all things. What would the world look like if we actually applied this spiritual truth to our worldly neighbors as a country? Indeed, what would the world look like if we applied this law of love to each other every day. The guy at the gas pump, the freeway traffic, to those whose opinion we hate?
We are urged to love our neighbors as ourselves. Maybe that's the sticking point, we don't much love ourselves.
So today let me leave you with something to chew on. Our founding fathers put into our documents the phrase that all men are created equal. And how can this be? For we know it's not physically or financially or mentally. It only leaves spiritually. Each of us has our own God-chip. Each of us is a complete God-kit. Each of us is God having a physical adventure. So could you possibly love and appreciate Who You Really Are today? What is not to love.
And so with a heart full of appreciation for yourSelf, you can now go about illuminating the world without scorching. Feel how good this feels. It's your God-chip delighting along with you, joining you in love....your true nature.
Thanks for reading! k
Labels: apply, illuminate, love, moon, spirituality
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