Monday, February 5, 2007

Inaugural Blog

Good Morning Everyone!

I've been going to do a blog for about 3 years now. Today's the day.

Why? It's kinda like the drip, drip, drip theory. Finally one day there's one drop that flows over the spillway and you have to speak.

Oprah discovered the Secret last week. I love Oprah. I never watch her as I don't have television (this is my 17th year now without TV), but I see her magazine and know her from previous years. She's amazing. She's applied spirituality in progress, and she's allowed us to watch her unfold over the years. What an amazing and brave woman she is.

A friend gave me the audio book, The Secret, for Christmas. I listened with great interest. It's good. It's very good. But what is really amazing about The Secret are two things: it's never been a secret and it's now becoming mainstream thought!

Let's start with it's never been a secret. I know I've know about the Law of Attraction - or creating the whole of your own reality for at least twenty years now. It's been the practice of it or the applying of it's principles to everyday life that has fascinated me and been a focus of study for me. The leading "teacher" of this is Abraham (see for further study. Abe is the granddaddy in modern times. But before There's Dale Carnegie, there's Norman Vincent Peale, there's Joel Goldsmith, there's Emerson, there's Thoreau...and those are only modern thinkers and only just a very few.

It's never been a secret because with the power of our own observation we can see this at play all the time. Why don't we believe it? Because we are constantly brainwashed by the naysayers, doomsdayers, scientists and religionists that there is something "other" out there more powerful that makes us subject to "its" desire, it's will. The old "good" vs "evil", we are told, play for our lives and souls, leaving us begging for mercy and crumbs at the buffet table of Life.

Yet, day to day, we can see - if we look - that people who focus, focus positively, think their own thoughts, and believe in themselves flourish. We publish stories and books about other people's lives to be inspired (we believe we can if they can), then have it all erased or clouded by some one else's doubt in our abilities and our sovereignty.

I love the era I live in. I love seeing the consciousness of human kind raising up, expanding and growing more god-like, more good. The journey has always been and will always be bringing that belief in something "other" than me, home to me. Now we are watching it happening on a global scale. I cannot think of anything more exciting than to live in a world where everyone believes in his/her own sovereignty. No one believes in victim hood anymore. Everyone accepts their own responsibility for every single bit of their own lives. I'm going to leave the planet with a huge grin and a large sense of satisfaction and fulfillment.

More tomorrow. Thanks for reading! k



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