Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Closing the Gap

Good Morning Everyone!

It looks like some moisture might be headed our way, which would be a wonderful thing here in the Cuyamaca Mountains. There's a system up here: rain first then dry Santa Ana winds to take it all away.

I had a most magical day yesterday interviewing applicants to Cornell University. As a member of a volunteer committee, we meet up with these hopefuls and try to put a human face (humane, too) on the application process. We have absolutely no influence on the admissions process, but are there to demystify the school for them. Kind of like an eyewitness reporter. For the last two years I had no interviews, this year they sent me four.

Driving home last night from the beach where I had met with two, I was ebullient. They are awake and shining and wonderful. What I mean is that in spite of all the years of moulding and shaping they are still unique and shimmering with their True Selves. But more importantly they are finding a way to shape careers out of their passions.

One of them brought a resume! I don't think I even had a resume at 18. And why would one need a resume at 18?

In short order, though, he relaxed and shoved his folio under his seat. With a very few questions from me, he commenced telling me about the poetry that he loves to write not to mention how much he loves playing baseball! Have you ever noticed how the light in some one's eyes changes and becomes more focused and brilliant when they are talking about what they LOVE? Bulls eye. In the Zone. Connected to Self. Spirit Applied. His proposed major? English!

The next was a young lady. Her proposed major is philosophy. Her first explanation of that choice was that it was "a good base for pre-law". The PC answer. The answer that is probably on her resume. But as we talked, she disclosed that her passion is theatre, dance and singing. That's when she lit up and came into focus, talking about her band, the play they are rehearsing....and Salsa! The choice for a major in philosophy? Brilliant. She was twinkling.

I was encouraged because the choices of career majors were not the antithesis of what they loved, but chosen because they enhanced what they loved. Seems a far cry from how we did it all those many years ago. You loved art, but you became a nurse which was a "real" career. Or we became a podiatrist when we truly loved history and antiques. These kids aren't so ready to give up their joy for a "real job". In fact they are even believing that they could make a good career out of their passions. Wow! The gap between human mind limited thinking and the divine mind is closing!

How is this applied spirituality? How is this meaningful?

It seems somewhere in the past 40 years the idea of joy has becoming important. The idea of suffering and sacrificing is loosing it's sway. Thank goodness. For how can anyone give from an empty basket? How can you be happy and joyful and drip that into the world when you're pretty cranky about doing a job that wasn't you passion in the beginning, but a simply a good job.

The logical, linear mind has difficulty with this concept. What I think of as human mind. But the divine mind, the soul of each of us, is a joyful thing. It loves loving, it loves goodness, it loves play, it loves all things we define as good (God). So when we feel good, it is good for us. When we feel badly, our True Self has left us to moulder on our own, not having any part in that, because our human thought says we "should" or "ought."

When we "come to our senses" - feeling good again, our Soul is vibrating at Yippee frequency. We know we are on the right path, our path because, by crakie, it feels so darn good. So right.

I'm reading a book right now called the Biology of Transcendence, by Joseph Chilton Pearce. I want to meet this man. He's been studying, what I think of as applied spirituality, all his life. I think he must be in his 80's now. What a pioneer, eh?
But what he describes is the actual physiology of God in man's physicality. Did you know there's a science called neurocardiology? Yep. There are neurons in the HEART!!

Well, gee. I'm not surprised. Why else would we touch our hearts when we just simply KNOW the Truth. Feel it so deeply.

What excites me so, is that the gap between God and Science is closing, too. And guess what, you heard it here first - they will prove to be one in the same. Guess our concept of God will have to expand as will our concept of Science.

Isn't is grand to be living in these times? Either/Or thinking (human mind) is on the wane, for AND thinking, inclusive is on the rise!

Thanks for reading...k

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