The Free Willies
For the past six years I have worked part time for the public library system. Really up until then I'd not been a big user of the library. I think it was because as a child I really didn't enjoy reading. Now that they have talking books, I've become a voracious "reader". I listen to books in the car, while gardening, cooking, and my favorite time, as I'm drifting off to sleep. I think I love this best because it reminds me of when my Gram used to tell us her stories. Boy, could she make up some whoppers. I, of course, believed every word.
Libraries are amazing places because it is where the example of REAL freedom LIVES. Period.
Did you know that libraries protect your right to read whatever you desire and your privacy to do so? Did you know that your library protects your right to choose any book you want to read by allowing it to be there? Did you know that if there's a particular title you would like your library to have in it's collection, they will acquire it? (Budget permitting, of course. But you can always donate it.)
I love that on the shelves in the non-fiction sections, books of all manner of ideas and ideologies sit side-by-side. I never see them taking a swipe at each other, either just because they have opposing view points. It is the perfect example of allowing. It is the perfect example of freedom.
America is the place where every idea and ideology is allowed, even welcomed. Even the ones you don't like or don't agree with. It is the place of the buffet of thought. The freedom we are guaranteed is the freedom of choice. So you can go into the library and cruise the stacks and see what interests you or see what interests others. The point is that you get to choose, because the choice is there.We get to choose to explore something new, something strange, something weird, something exhilarating, something boring, something old....But the point is, WE GET TO CHOOSE BECAUSE THE CHOICE IS AVAILABLE.
What an undertaking the founding fathers passed on to us. The undertaking to be the guardians of allowing all thoughts to exist for our choice.
It seems to imply to me that they believed so completely in the wisdom and goodness of a soul, that there is no danger in allowing such choice amongst infinite variety of options. Let all choice be available. Think about it!
The essence of freedom is the freedom to choose what we will focus on. We can, for example, choose to focus on the negative. It is wholly up to each one where they will focus, is it not? Or we can choose to focus on something positive. So the question is wholly sovereign to each individual. It is the collection of these individual choices at any given moment that create a life and its quality. The fork in the road is every moment.
The news has large sway in our society. Televisions are turned to News. The radios to Talk Radio. The Internet to...what's your choice?
When my boys were little I recall telling them that they had to be guardians of what went into them. That is to say with respect to food or drink or music or news or television, they had to be "selective sifters" of all stuff. Garbage in, garbage out. What you consumed or gave focus to would come out of you. Your choice.
How is this applied spirituality? Your God-chip, your trueSelf delights when you choose something your love or delight in. You know your Self is "with you"by how it feels to you. Does it make you feel easy, light, good, inspired, delighted, encouraged, well, happy, energetic, alive? Go for it! You're aligned, connected and in tune with You.
IF it doesn't? Turn it off. Change the channel. Change your focus, for yourSelf has left on wings of fun and will not join you in anything without Life in it.
You always get to choose, here in the land where every conceivable idea is welcomed. You have the Free Willies.
What a powerful place and time we live in: a consciousness that allows every idea to abide because we believe we each have the wisdom to choose what is good for ourselves at any given moment. I'd say that's a fearless society. That's America where we acknowledge that everyone has that same God-chip.
Thanks for reading! k
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