With Life
When I speak before audiences, one of my favorite speeches is about the Love-Angstrom Meter. It's an invention of my own imagination that would measure the amount of LIFE in something.
We would have Love-Angstrom Meters hooked up to our TV screens. We would have a Love-Angstrom Meter in every emergency room at every hospital. In fact, it would be like the metal detectors at the airport. You'd have to pass through that in order to get into the emergency room. What it would tell them is how much LIFE are you allowing to flow through your beingness.
The Love Angstrom Meter would also measure - as you might guess - the amount of Truth in something, the amount of Love in something, the Quality of Life moving through someone or something or words, even our creations.
We might even have wrist versions of this little gizmo for a quick Self check-up.
After meditating in the morning you might be registering a healthy 87%. After traveling through rush hour traffic you might notice you've dipped to 47% and feeling pretty lousy. So you pop outside to take a break, breathe some fresh air, empty your mind and voila, you're back at 85%. Pretty good to go back into work and add some LIFE into your project.
The thing is, we already are equipped with a Love Angstrom Meter, each and every one of us. IT's that God-chip we all have in common. It is constantly registering to us the Love and Life and Truth content of everything we come in contact with. It's vibrating wildly in rapturous joy when we're playing with the cat, drawing at our art table, singing songs, all the things we love to do.
And it is most conspicuous by it's ABSENCE (which feels lousy) when we're about doing things, saying things, seeing things, focusing on things, people, places and thoughts that have No LIFE in them. Dead. Dying. Lifeless. Our Spirit is a long ways off while we insist on keeping our proverbial hand on the hot stove. (Who the heck taught us that this was a good thing?)
My cat, Woody, is curled up right next to my laptop as I am writing this, and he's purring away like a motor boat. I'm thinking he's loving the vibration of these words and glad I'm doing what I love to do. But then, often, I've sensed from him a complete puzzlement as I'm laboring with something I hate or moaning about something. He pretty much is NOT present for those kinds of vibrations out of me.
Love and Life love to be around Love and Life. And what I know is, the absence of Love is always painful to us. Why? Because this is WHO WE REALLY ARE. Love. Life. Goodness. God.
We feel best when we are congruent with these High, Fast and Pure Frequencies. And we feel lousy or sick when our human mind - devoid of Self - is calling the shots.
How do we use our built-in Love-Angstrom Meter to navigate the "real world"? We notice how we feel.When we are allowing It, it feels good and things go well and easily, serendipity time. When we are resisting It, blocking it, it feels bad and things in the "real world" are usually going from bad to worse.
How can we DO (apply) this? We relax. We breathe. We hold thoughts like anything good is possible. We put the "can't" ideas firmly and deliberately up on the shelf and await in child-like trust that when I allow It, it is always Good, efficient, inspired even magical.....and then the "real world" is pretty darn good too.
Now...Breathe!!! That's it. You can ...allow...It...in. Say Hello, for pitisake, It is YOU.
Thanks for reading. k
Labels: allowing, human, life, love, mind, real, thought, world
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