Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Fear Not

Good Morning World!

I have discovered International Rugby! What a great sport! Friends of mine from Scotland turned me onto rugby one day when I was visiting them. We got to talking about the ancient Hawaiians who did "HA" breathing before they did anything. I did a little demo and Jack exclaimed that was what the New Zealand Team did before their games. Quickly he flicked through his satellite channels and found the "All Blacks" vs some poor team. And there they were in all their powerful glory doing their "HAKA" breathing. If you've never seen it, check it out online.

The story I've been told is this: when the white settlers were cruising around the Hawaiian Islands, they would ask at each island, "Where do you live?" The Hawaiians would answer, "I live on the life force that is carried on my breath"....all that is comprised in the single word, Hawaii. In the Hawaiian language each syllable has a full meaning like a word does in English. Hence,'hale' does not mean white person, it is literally translated as he without breath. Simply put - and therein is a giant flag where Truth abounds - it is SIMPLE - the ancient Hawaiians as did the other indigenous peoples know God intimately as one with themselves.

How could they know this? The better question for us is how could we NOT know this?
How could we not know how loved we are, how good we are, how divine and powerful we are?

We've been enculturated out of it. I never wanted to study history until I wanted the answer to where did religion go so wrong? Then I delved into European history and looked hard and long. It all started there and maybe at the great meeting in Constantinople. Many gospels were left out according to who wanted the masses to think what. And beyond that with every rewrite it became more and more manipulated.
I do think there are wonderful Truths left standing in the Bible. The Psalmists for example understood Love, which was Jesus' sole message. After that to my mind, the Old Testament should have been taught as only an old history book, as what people used to think and believe in the "olden days".

It really shouldn't matter what they wrote, though, as within each of us is our God-chip whispering Truth to us any time we're willing to listen. The catch is that it is a whisper compared to the human mind (the enculturated mind) that is fearful, lackful and caught up in doubt.

I suppose I ought to state here at some distinctive point what Applied Spirituality is to me. When I was a very young girl I was struck by the inconsistencies of religious people. No one, I might add, pointed them out to me, I just noticed. We were a "Christian" nation and we believed in the death penalty. Hmmm. We went to war....hm....The Irish Catholics were at war with the English Protestants. Hmmm.
Good church-going people were jealous, talked gossip about their friends. We even had "sides" in Church politics. Hmmmm.

I grew up in the Eastern Orthodox Church where the liturgy was always in Serbian, which I did not understand. So for about the first 15 years of my life I got to go to this beautiful place every Sunday, listen to the angel voices of the choir singing in Serbians and get to know God my own way. What I came to know was only Love. I never had to recover from any doctrine or dogma. I was a clean slate. I was actually stunned when I got to college and found out that in some churches they were teaching something called "original sin". I couldn't even fathom such a thing being perpetrated on people, let alone children. Bunk. Hogwash. LIES! Hearing this began my quest to understand Who We Really Are.

So Applied Spirituality is following the God-chip of you in everyday 'real' world life. It often looks the opposite of human mind. It is living every moment listening to the whispers of your Heart, which is where It resides. It lives alive and full on your breath. It is not the linear, fearful mind of human thinking.

John Lennon wrote a song called, Imagine. If you've not heard it or listened to it recently, do it. For this is what I ask you to do. Imagine a world where everyone was taught that they were loved beyond measure from day one. Imagine a world where everyone was taught to hear their own God-chip speaking and guiding them individually. Imagine a world where we were all taught to follow the joys of our heart from day one. Imagine a world where people worked at what they felt was play and joy. Imagine a world where we knew about Infinite Supply. Imagine a world where we understood how when we Asked, It answered. Always. Imagine a world where we understood how to create in joy and no one knew fear. Imagine your life if you would Remember Who You Really Are. God, having a physical adventure and loved beyond measure, infinite and eternal being. Imagine if you were to do your HAKA breathing and know you were flowing LIFE powerfully through you to focus it wherever you delighted.

Breathe! You live on the life force that is carried on your breath, too. Quiet your human mind. Ask. Feel the answers. You will know It by the joy and peace you feel.

Thanks for reading! k

I invite your comments. Tomorrow I'll talk about how to Apply your own Spirit.

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