Monday, March 5, 2007

Dem Bones

Good Morning World!

Last evening a friend informed me of a television show on the Discovery Channel called, The Bones of Christ. I called my Dad to record it for me should he have the chance. Then, of course, I realized that this is going to be some bruhaha just like the DaVinci Code.

Remember yesterday's blog about bias? Where does your mind close down because it becomes afraid? How harmful can a new thought be? It's just an idea. And what if, just what if....some part of it may have some truth in it?

The idea the Jesus may have had a family is certainly not a new thought. The Last Temptation of Christ put it forth in technicolor. Many, many books have been written putting forth that hypothesis. I find it interesting. The Urantia Book says that he did not. That he was in love with a woman but did not pursue it for his larger mission here. That he was to leave no issue and to leave no written words.

We all know what the Bible says on the subject.

But my question is what does it matter? Why the upheaval? Why all the furor?

My answer is that it shakes to the core what we have been taught and where we have blindly put our something other, something external to ourSelf. The good part of these controversies is that it does break down the worshiping of something external to ourSelf. The evolution of reclaiming the power from outside to within proceeds inexorably.

The concept of separation from Source is being rattled. The idea of less than Source is being shaken. God is not somewhere else or other than me or you.

Jesus was, like the Buddha, a mortal man who in his lifetime achieved the Christed Consciousness. In other words, he reconnected with his Source within his own consciousness and reclaimed his oneness. He remembered Who He Really Was. He demonstrated for us what we, too, can do. He wanted us to follow him not worship him.

John 14:12 - 14
Verily, verily, I say unto you,
He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also;
and greater works than these shall he do;
because I go unto my Father.

Why do we want there to be someone else to save us? Why do we want to be beggars at the buffet of Life? We are God having a physical experience here. We are the Creators of our experience. All of it, every last bit of it. There is no "other" that we can beg mercy from, favors or pity. We understood all this before we came in. We knew we could remember our inheritance.

Perhaps we should stop taking someone else's word for it. Stop asking for some one else's interpretation. Go within. Ask and it is granted. You are It. You are connected directly. You are One with It. It's spirituality applied, it's physics. It's the Truth. It's Good News!

Thanks for reading! k

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