Wednesday, March 7, 2007

More Than A Dream

You may wonder how I'm doing now that I'm "unemployed" and on my own again....Well, pretty darn good.

Now that's not to say I haven't been experiencing some really strange adjustments. The biggest of which is my mindset. I am surprised at how much of an automaton I had become having to be somewhere at a certain time, scheduled. It was a good thing when I needed structure, to be sure. But in the last year it was like outgrowing a pair of shoes. I didn't have time to think, read, research, create, dream. I find myself being weaned from structure and moving towards a more organic way of moving towards my "target" not my goal.

I just learned this tonight. Thank you Gino Niccoli of Dream Team. I often wondered, why in the past, when someone said to set your goals I always flinched. Just didn't feel right to me. And the minute I would set them, I knew, I just knew I would absolutely NOT do it. I even started to laugh at myself when I discovered the strategy of "sneaking up on myself". No. Really. I would get all dressed to work in the yard, grubbys on, ratty shoes and then go into the office and put in about 6 hours of creative writing. Likewise, if I wanted to work in the have no idea how many nightgowns I've ruined. But by "opposite" I would make my way to my "TARGET".

I'm in the process of taking a course that I found online. It's a marketing course, but much, much more. Proves the Law of Attraction is answering all the time. I have found support for my work in Applied Spirituality and...get this...AND learning the art of marketing. Marketing is a hole in my education.

Tonight's class was about mindset. Mindset has been my life's focus with Applied Spirituality. How can we get the life we want? How in the heck are we creating the whole of our own reality?
As Kushner says, "Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?" For 30 years I've wrestled these questions. Read. Researched. Listened Within. Stopped listening without. Found my way, heard the answers. And now begin to launch this work into the world.

My Mom asked me the other day, "How do you do what you do? Where do you find the strength to do this" My answer was, "Sometimes I wish I could do it differently, Mom. It's just Me. The Me of Me saying....there's more. It's time. Yes, You can."

So I leap. So I move forward. Because for me in the end when it's all said and done I want more than Life itself to be able to say with the deepest sense of content and fulfillment, "Well Done, Kath. You Did."

Thanks for reading! k


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