I Want, I Want, I Want
A glorious day, again, here in the mountains of San Diego County. I hope you are enjoying summer, as well.
This morning I was reading the NY Times online (http://www.nytimes.com/2007/07/16/us/politics/16populist.html?th&emc=th). The lead story is about Economic Populism. In short, that the middle class are not fairing as well in the new global economy. I watch politics and economics closely. What I see is that we are being asked to adjust, shift, and recreate ourselves again and again. Naturally if you are trying to cling to a job out of safety, you're going to find this "go with the flow" method pretty upsetting.
My Dad worked for one company for over 35 years. I truly believe this era is over. But still, I see that he is still moving fluidly even into his 80's. Whilst he was working we moved 5 times as he promoted. Being fluid, being willing to change and grow and expand. At 80 he decided to take on the computer and the internet. Being fluid, willing to change, grow and expand.
My Dad is a study in Applied Spirituality, although he wouldn't say so. But even as I write this he is spear-heading a new move for he and my Mom, to an independent living residence giving up their home for....more freedom. Yep. More freedom, more joy, more quality time together.
In the beginning I first joined the Republican Party because they stood for less government, more individual responsibility and more government at the state and local levels. In my translation it was that we were capable of governing ourselves. The Democrats stood for "taking care" of the people, which pretty much translated into more taxes, more public programs and "helping those who couldn't help themselves."
I am now an Independent, and loathe to talk politics because it becomes all about manipulation and not about "true" movement. So right here I will depart from a political discussion.
We each are creating 100% of our own experience 100% of the time. Not many people want to hear that, because it's pretty scary to think we create the bad stuff, too. But when you begin to get a glimmer of how this Universe works, how we are each one and integral part complete with our own "godkit", then the question becomes one of how do I understand how to influence and change my world? Ah, now you've got the question and hopefully the bug to know more, seek more....
If you came to planet earth for safety, you came to the wrong place. This is a place of infinite choice, myriad opportunities, and each step is made by how it feels. If not having enough money doesn't feel good, we launch a desire to all of heaven for support to "show me the way". Now having launched that question, you're going to get an answer....change jobs, study for the promotion, maybe launch that idea of yours into a new business. None of those choices includes safety and all of them include the willingness to be fluid, change, create, grow and expand.
It is the nature of this Universe, this Earth, and you as an integral part of it and made of the same stuff to grow and expand. If you resist, deny, put on the old mule routine...I won't, I won't, I won't....well then, it's gonna hurt. It's going to hurt your physicality and biology, it's going to hurt mentally and emotionally and most of all your GodSelf is going to head north into fun and plenty whilst you remain in lack and lament.
Frank Capra was the most illuminated film maker of the last century. Mr. Deeds Goes to Town, A Beautiful Life, Mr. Smith Goes to Washinton. Dig them out, order them, watch them, understand what his point was in every movie. The common ordinary man, you and me, John and Jane Doe are each God here having a physical experience. Once you personally understand the fullness of that statement - we are each God here having a physical experience - well then, now what the heck do you need Congress for?
When men search for God, they are searching for everything. When they find God, they have found everything. [The Urantia Book, p. 1289, par. 2]
And when you find God within YOU, you lack nothing, you are FULL. Now all you have to do is release it out from within into your experience. For the consciousness you have, is the consciousness you are currently experiencing. Don't like what you have? Check it out, it's your consciousness reflecting to you where you are. Raise that consciousness and watch the external change....at your will. Because you were....willing to grow, expand and change.
Thanks for Reading! Kath
Labels: applied spirituality, consciousness, Democrat, Economic Populism, Republican, Urantia Book
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