Immigration - Aren't We All
It's a fine day up here in the Cuyamaca Mountains! At last the heat has yielded to a fair 80 degrees. I can only think this is why the terrorists are so cranky....they're HOT. Why not put a bill through Congress that we air condition the middle east. Then maybe they'll more feel like talking.
Not to get side tracked but today I wanted to talk about Immigration. The trouble with this issue these days is it is clouded with the issue of terrorists. I can tell you from living here very, very close to the Mexican Boarder that I have seen many folks crossing and trying to come to America for a better life. And every time I can only be so utterly grateful that my ancestors were allowed to come through Ellis Island in the early 1900's and that they had the gumption to do so.
Well these people do have the gumption to do so. They risk their lives to do it. (follow the link). Does that speak anything to you of how much they WANT to be here? What would you risk your life to be, do or have?
This, however, is not an immigration issue, it is an economic issue which should be taken up with the Mexican Government. I personally would like to see the boarder opened up completely. This would allow Americans to flow south and for Mexicans to flow north and find a new equilibrium and probably a new economy. The river north would slow as the river south increased.
But without an economic incentive for the Mexican people to stay there, why would they NOT want to come here. I would. If I lived on that side of the boarder, my entire job would be crossing the boarder until I had achieved it.
Go to Mexico sometime. And don't do the tourist routes, either. Go and walk around the cities. The last time I went to Tijuana I found myself walking away from the Mercado and to the back streets. I found myself looking at this opulent Catholic Church all gilded with gold and on the steps were the most pathetic creatures, including a mother nursing her child whilst her feet rest in the gutter of filth. You would too, try to get here. I promise you.
As for putting up a fence and doubling or even tripling the forces - it doesn't work now and it's an utter waste of more money. And fences is not what America is about. "Give me you huddled masses urning to be free...." I think that's what's on the Lady in New York Harbor. We represent hope. So let's turn our imaginations to possible solutions that would honor the idea of hope and allow these people to find it.
Let's start talking to the Mexican government. Let's find ways to help Mexico's people to become rich. They have a magnificent country. And they are a kind and most gentle people worthy of much better. They are our friends and our neighbors. Come on, America. Think!
Let's ask the Presidential hopefuls to come up with something innovative and creative. Or better still.....let's come up with something that is loving, compassionate, and a win-win for us all. Applied Spirituality is all about win-win by utilizing Source to answer a request and receiving the answer. There is nothing we cannot be, do, have or know....if we ask the right question.
Thanks for Reading! Kath
Labels: applied spirituality, hope, immigration, solutions
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