Thursday, July 5, 2007

Part of the Solution

Hello Everyone,

I've been gone awhile, I see. Whew! Busy living life so I can write about it.
Recently I was in a home where I saw Bill O'Reilly's show. I don't have commercial television, so it's always like an alien visiting the planet when I get to see television. On this particular day his show was about Paris Hilton. Now, l knew little about Paris Hilton but his show was ostensibly about the slime that had released a website reviewing her sexual life and how low they were to do such a thing. Then, he goes on to show the website with the videos and publishes the website on national television. Now he's the "good" guy because he's calling out the "liberal press" for doing such a horrible thing. How, I ask myself, can people watch this and be sucked into the idea that he's a good guy. He simply pours gasoline on the fire.

America, can you not think for yourself? Can you not feel when you're watching something like this that your stomach tightens up in a knot, your respirations increase, you feel agitated? Why are you watching it? That knot in your stomach is your Godchip saying, "We're not connected with you at this moment!" Because the absence of love is pain felt. Simply said. Simply recognized.

To the contrary, listen to someone like Barrack Obama and check in how it feels to hear words of inspired hope, ideas of sound solution, of compassion and Real, Genuine Interest.

When you go contrary to how it feels to you, you are now becoming part of the problem, not part of the solution. Go where it feels good. Follow that trail.....

and be a part of the solution. Apply your Spirit. Use it! It's telling you all the time whether you're connected (feels good) or not (feel bad).

Thanks for reading! Kath


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