Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I Have, I Have, I Have

Good Day Everyone!

Things are never what they appear. Take for example the desert in Darfur (see link).

First off what strikes me as funny is the description of this as an ancient lake. Well, the earth is very, very old. And yet, new lakes are forming all the time. Perhaps as the result of the most recent earthquake in Japan, new lakes, new rivers, water is being released in new directions.
What makes this item newsworthy from the viewpoint of Applied Spirituality is that there is always enough, no, more than enough. The appearance of "lack" is always just that, simply an appearance. Can you look through the appearance to see the fullness. Someone did over there in Darfur. Someone(s) asked for water in the midst of the most desolate of circumstances. And they believed it. Believed beyond what they were looking at. Believed beyond what is. And felt the coolness of the water, saw it flowing, saw things green, saw what they wanted.

Voila! Better said, "Eureka!" It is manifest. It becomes the what is.

I really can't think of a better example to use than finding water in the desert. What appears is dire lack. What really is, is the fullness. So it is with every "appearance" of lack on earth, in each life. The hard part is to stop looking at what is and start seeing what you want, the fullness.

The truth of Who We Really Are is God having this physical experience. We see or hear and we feel in response to those stimuli. We don't feel good when there's not enough money, or water, or health, or love. You know why? Because that is not Who We Really ARE. We are the fullness of everything. And the lack of fullness is painful. The lack of love is painful. When we are full we are realizing our Self in this physical setting.

So, what are you challenged with thinking and being mesmerized by the "lack" of it? It's an illusion, a mirage. Change your focus away from what is and start focusing on what feels good and full. Use your imagination, feel it's presence, why it's so lovely. And stay there. This my friends is how we manipulate our energy, our environment, and create our own reality. Thought by thought. Feeling by feeling.

Believing is Seeing.

Thanks for Reading!


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