Saturday, July 28, 2007

Black + White = ?????

Happy Saturday All!

Saturday's are delicious, aren't they? There's so much choice about what to do. A walk on the beach, a hike in the mountains, shopping and a coffee and Starbucks, a movie, a bbq with friends, reading a delicious book on the hammock....laying bricks. Yike.

Last evening I was reading Yahoo news and came across this article
reporting that blacks in South Carolina aren't sure whether America is ready for a black President. see link

I'm so confused.

What difference does it make if America is ready for a black president - to them? If they believe in the man, should they not just get behind him and vote their hearts' desire?

And would someone clarify something that I've wondered since I was a child? If someone has one black parent and one white parent, why are they "labeled" black. I mean, when you are mixing colors on the color palette, black + white = gray. Ok, then brown + white = tan or mocha or....but it's no longer either white or black/brown, now is it?

I am so tired of the racial thing. Can it be that blacks are racially biased as well against their own? Could it be that because Mr. Obama is half white, he's, well..."not black enough?" How much more absurd could anything be?

For pity sake, America, we are eating ourselves alive with labels and fear and thinking there's not enough, there's no slice of the pie for me. When the truth is the exact opposite. There is infinite supply for all of us. No one can claim your good or your piece of the pie. It's yours if you will stop believing it's not and simply know that it is.

Me, I'm on board for Senator Obama. He's honest. He's Real. He's sincere. He's creative. He's Connected. He's listening within to his hard-wired Godself all the time. He KNOWS there's another way. And most importantly, he believes in Us. He believes we can help ourselves; that we can become Who We Really Are.

The question to each of you is, do you believe in YOU.

Do you believe you can become Who You Really ARE? Or do you still think you need a favorable President to give you what you think you're entitled to? Believe me, you don't need entitlement programs or anyone to see your point of view. You only need Ask and believe, and allow it to come to you. That's good old fashioned Faith. What stops it, is you and your doubt, your hate, your lack of belief in You and your stubborn and unrelenting belief in lack and evil.

You are God having a physical experience. Begin to today. Right now.
Feel that delighted joy and free being within you and follow It's prompts. It's Really You. What Senator Obama represents is that Light Being who is You, too.

As Jesus said, "Lazarus, pick up thy bed and walk!" He didn't say, "Here, let me get that for you."

Thanks for reading! Kath

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