Thinking for Yourself
The subject on the table today is thinking. How do you think? I mean, as a process, how do you think about things? Perhaps another question would be, do you think?
No, this is not a smarty pants question. It's a very real and serious question for you to consider.
As you go through you day, do you react? Do you stop to think? Do you question the basis of the premise put before you? When you hear the news or read an article, do you consider the source? Do you automatically think because it's in print, it's true? Or do you THINK IT THROUGH FOR YOURSELF?
This is the age of information, to be sure. You can go online and find information about just about anything. And you can find information that is nothing but dribble, speculation, opinion, speculation, unfortunately in the news, as well. Can you distinguish fact from fiction? Oh boy, that's probably the biggest and most important question followed by the sister question, how do you distinguish fact from fiction?
Let's tackle that one, since it's the most important one given the individual's bombardment on a daily basis of information. Let's start with the utmost important thing first: you must have the innate and deep desire for Truth. Well, sure, you're thinking, everyone wants the truth. No you don't. If that were true, we wouldn't see so much dribble and spin out there. People tend to hear what they want to hear, and often that is not what the truth might be. So important thing number one: cultivate within you the deep desire for only the Truth, no matter what it is.
The foremost characteristic of Truth is highest quality. It feels correct, Real, True and Right.
How do you know? Because your Godchip, which is the highest quality of vibration resonates only to those pure, high and fast frequencies. When it recognizes Truth, it feels so within you.
And that is how you Know it to be so. Often times you will hear something or read something and feel it "off" or "hmmm, well, maybe..." That is your Godchip telling you it's NOT vibrationally matched with it...therefore there is some part or whole of it that is not Truth.
Truth is you have to learn to read-feel, hear-feel, see-feel, to utilize your internal guidance system correctly. The words may sound like just what you want to hear, whilst you gut is telling you, "nope, noway, nohow." This is the principle activity on planet earth. What your physicality is taking in, vs. what your Inner Guidance is speaking. We are taught to follow the mental logic and if that holds true, then it's the way to go. What we are not taught is to follow that FEELING that says, "those words sound great, but they are not true."
In this age of information, learning to cultivate the art of listening within is mandatory, not optional anymore. The science of psychology has infiltrated every aspect of our lives: media, tv programming, marketing, etc. They know how to push your buttons to get you to react, to buy, to tune in, to climb on board with the idea. How do you defense yourself in this spin society?
You feel the authenticity of the message. If you have sincerely cultivated that sincere and deep desire for only Truth, the lack of quality in any message, product, packaging, movie, ad, whatever will be FELT by you instantaneously. The trick then is to....believe yourSELF.
The masses like lemmings will be led down any and every path put to them, manipulated ingeniously by the psychology of the mind. But the Soul, your Godchip, is impervious to that level of stuff and will tell you the Truth, without fail, but how it FEELS.
Start today. Develop your own personal deep desire for Truth, no matter what. And begin listening/feeling; seeing/feeling; experiencing/feeling your way through you life. It's foolproof.
Thanks for reading! Kath
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