Saturday, August 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Blogger

Good Day Everyone!

I really wish I understood the whole Internet and blog world better. I'm supposing that in time it will seep in like water under the door.

Today I go to blog and find out it's Blogger's 8th birthday. Then I read that if I click on this I will find that....and I end up at Steven Job's site. ( Well, I'm in good company! There's so much out there to read. How do people find time to live life if they're busy reading every one's blog, I wonder.

It's all I can do to get this daily blog done in a thoughtful and meaningful way, to me.

I love the technology. I am daily stunned by what has been created and wonder what yet is to come. Back in the late 90's as things were gearing up, true to my Crab nature, I held back and watched from the sidelines waiting to understand what this "Internet thing" was and how it could impact me and my life.

Then one day a slightly nutty friend of mine, ex Navy Seal with one wire that seems to fly around in his head and make a connection every now and again said, "Kath, it's pure consciousness." Well, I was in. It made perfect sense to me in those terms. Consciousness to consciousness we can now communicate and share what we think, feel, see, learn, know, fantasize, create, doubt, fear. Wow.

I think now, it had to come along because it is representative of the cornerstone of Who We Really Are - Free Spirits all of us. And this wondrous thing, the Internet, is that tool to circumvent anyone who would edit or censure. Now that is a worthy invention. But I think, too, it is simply another step in the evolution of man returning to full connection with Source. It's on the tractor beam path back home.

Think about it. Instantly we can e-mail a thought (with this tool), text message with our phones (another tool) and see videos and pictures or hear stories, lectures, news (with another tool), but what is close is the instantaneous exchange of energy in the various forms.

Next step or future steps? The instantaneous telepathy of the same information without the tools. We can all do that now, of course, but we don't believe it. We doubt that that flash of intuition is "real". So we pick up the phone or write the e-mail to confirm...yes, you do it!
But you already - KNOW.

We are such amazing creatures. We have such abilities that we were all talked out of long ago, but they are there dormant or active in mild ways. But as the consciousness of "us" expands and rises to accept Who We Really Are, we will begin to believe and listen to those extraordinary talents within and stop doubting that we are, each and everyone, God having a human adventure and these "talents" are not, in fact extraordinary, but ordinary.

I've recently come across a television series that I've check out from the San Diego County Library called "The 4400". It's a wonderful peek into the writer's imagination of Who We Really Are and are trying to become. I am really enjoying the show and salute the writer-creator, Scott Peters. Scott is truly letting Source flow through him as is Steve and everyone and anyone who had anything to do with creating the web and Blogger - a special thanks to Google for hosting for me and everyone else a place, free of charge for freedom of speech! Well Done to you all and my personal and sincere - Thank YOU!

We are the Creators. Stop looking elsewhere, you are God.

Thanks for reading! Kath

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