Saturday, September 1, 2007

Don't LOOK!

Hello all!

Miracles abound! It's raining in San Diego and in the mountains. This is a wondrous thing for us. We've had no rain for about 5 months, and for the past week it's been really trying. Well, today it is really raining, a lot. I'm in heaven. I am also in the library because my Internet satellite is out because of the storm. Everyone around me is gleeful! Yahoo!

My topic for today is focus your awareness. I got it by reading the quote in the NY Times today about a child being exposed to an R rated movie on an airplane. James Steyer, Chief Executive of Common Sense Media says..."you’re a captive audience, and you have almost no control.”
Ah ha!!! The key phrase here is, "almost". Because we always have control over what WE choose to focus on.

And a father was quoted as saying, “It’s not like he can look away when he hears the sound, and he’s sitting on a plane bored, and he’s 6.” My response to Mr. Fine is to say first off, you underestimate how great a child can choose for himself what he wants to see and what he doesn't. You also underestimate his ability to "choose", "sift" and filter out information. If the child was "bothered", it was probably because he was picking up the vibrations of upset from the Dad. This is how we choose here on planet earth, by being exposed to the contrast and the myriad of vibrations. This is the same complaint we often got at the library about content of books. And of course, these are the people who would like to censure books that are "allowed" to be in the library.

How can one know if one does not want something, except by introduction to it and then choosing other than it?

So now it's a big deal about movies on the airplane, because individuals can't control and focus their own energies? So the rest of us have to "pay the price" because they have no ability to refocus?

In a nutshell folks, this is what is up for utter and complete review. A democracy is a place where EVERYTHING is welcomed. The freedom is to choose what we focus our awareness on.
If you don't like what you see, refocus. If you can't refocus, then you have some personal work to do. I'd suggest meditation, yoga and self-discipline.

Thanks for reading!


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