Saturday, September 15, 2007

Zero Tolerance; 100% Acceptance

Hello Everyone,

Well, it's been awhile. I've been on a trip to the hinterlands of Minnesota. What a beautiful state!

Ok, a little trivia here. Did you know the Mississippi River begins in MN? Yep. And for someone who lives in Southern California, what a novelty, they actually have water in their rivers! What beauty! I came home to a fire just about 3 miles south of here. Fortunately the winds were zilch and they were able to contain it pretty fast. Come on rain!

As usual in my travels I love to discover new things, people, and ideas. I didn't necessarily find something new, but I realized something at last. You see I was visiting a fairly wealthy area with very educated people. Lovely folks, really. Very well read, very liberal minded - their words, not mine. You know how I despise labels. But what I realized was this: even liberal minded people can be intolerant and unaccepting. Ok, I know, but you have to remember I'm Pollyanna. I just assume that the more you read, the more intelligent you are, the broader-minded you become. Nope. Not necessarily so I've come to learn.

Case in point. I was having dinner with a very large contingent of doctors and scientific types. To be sure the conversation was informative and very cutting edge in the sciences. A friend (not a scientist) then spoke about her experiences with communications with beings unseen. You could have heard a feather drop around the table. I was pretty surprised, because here in California someone, doctor or scientist not withstanding, someone would have asked to hear more about that and a lively discussion would have ensued. This poor girl was left with absolute and utter silence. I was really stunned. I thought scientists were curious. But what I learned was that they felt it utter nonsense and not worthy of discussion.

My friend approaches her work with the spiritual realms in an utterly scientific manner. She's discerning, skeptical and methodical in her work. The only difference is, she accepts the science; whilst they are intolerant of the spiritual. I don't understand.

Well, that's me, though. I believe within the not too distant future we will see God and Science as one in the same. I happen to know it now, but alas, have no way to "prove" it. But they will. Physics will do it and the paradigm will shift there. I hope I'm still around to see that. It's going to pull the rug out from under every single intolerant religionist and scientist.

My point folks, is that applied spirituality is about acceptance, not tolerance. Tolerance implies you feel a threat but somehow you manage to stifle it or suck it down in some politically correct phrase or stance. Acceptance, ah, that's another whole animal. It's hand in hand with allowing. No fear. No resistance. You look at something and allow it's existence and accept it's validity to exist without any resistance (internally). You might say, "interesting" or "intriguing" or "imagine that". Then depending on your attraction or interest for it, you focus further or change your focus to something more pleasing to you.

Ah well. This week's quote from the Urantia book is great....

"You should never forget that intolerance is the mask covering up the entertainment of secret doubts as to the trueness of one's belief.

No man is at any time disturbed by his neighbor's attitude when he has perfect confidence in the truth of that which he wholeheartedly believes. "[The Urantia Book, p. 1641, par. 4]

Bless us each and everyone. May we dispense with labeling each other once and for all.

Thanks for reading!


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