Friday, January 11, 2008

Happiness Weight Lifting

Greetings Everyone!

This morning on Yahoo News it is reported that consumer confidence levels have dropped to 59% an all time low. So, as doom and gloom are reported in the news, the question is: are you going to let this affect you?

I hope I'm hearing a resounding, "NOT ME!" (Are you reading this Wall Street? Mortgage Lending?)

You see, this is where the rubber meets the road. You have free will, and that translates into choosing for yourself where you will focus your attention, therefore your energy. You can buy into "their reality" or create your own.

No, this is not pie in the sky, this is fact. And finally today, also on Yahoo News, there is scientific evidence. (see link:

Dr. Richard Davidson, PhD from Harvard and Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at the University of Wisconsin has released results of a study that proves that when you meditate for even a few minutes a day you produce lasting changes in your brain (your physiology). It's like weight lifting for the mind/psyche/soul.

News flash: this is how you change your experience of life. You choose.

Imagine if you spent just 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes in the evening in contemplation of joy, or perfect health, or love, or gratitude....over time you change your vibrational countenance to attract more of the same. And gradually, folks, life improves. You start feeling better, the quality of your meetings increases, the level of joy found in a moment goes up. "Magic" starts to happen.

Want to enhance that meditation time? Write out on a neon colored 3x5 card your intention for the day: for example, "I intend to notice the little happy things everywhere today." Put that card on your bathroom mirror. Make another for your wallet. Still another on your desktop.
changing your own reality.

Bill Wier of ABC News reported this story and concluded that all happiness is "social". That is to say, you can only find happiness in relationship to another individual. I disagree. Go outside and notice the nature around you. Find the amazement in the snow, the sun came up, the huge earthworms in the soil, the amazing night sky, your cat, your dog, the colors in a rock......

This is becoming a master of focus and knowing that what you intend to see and experience is what you will ultimately see and experience.

This is applied spirituality. The core of you is God: joy, perfection, goodness, abundance, well, in short - fulfilled, complete and replete.

You want to make a profound change in your life in 2008? Here's the assignment:

Be quiet for at least 10 minutes am and pm. Take mini quiet breaks throughout the day. My suggestion is you have to go to the bathroom, sit there and be still for 5 minutes. Breathe. Find a peaceful thought. Then resume your day.

Make those 3x5 cards for your own intentions. And apply them. It's a change, and it takes practice. I use the cards because it reminds me that I'm thinking something different today. This, I choose, is where I am going.....inside.

The change has to happen inside you first, and then, by the Universal Laws of Attraction, which is physics, those changes are reflected in your daily encounters in life.

Have a particular nasty thought that keeps possessing you? OK. Who doesn't?

Make another 3x5 card that has alternate thoughts on it. A thought that feels just a wee bit better than that nasty one. Just a bit, something you can "believe". Have that card ready when that nasty shows up. Look at the card, remind yourself of the better thought. Sit with it awhile, breathe it in. Next day, make a new wee bit better thought, and use that one. Continue with this method until you've turned a nasty thought into a good one.

It's all up to you.

Now, if you thought we were all nuts thinking this positive stuff, you naysayers can read the scientific study for yourself.

Turn off the news. Turn off the talk radio. Practice happiness weightlifting until you feel you can listen to anything out there and be a "selective sifter", which is to say it will not take you off your center.

It takes awhile. Be merciful to yourself. Keep trying. Your intention to change your outlook, and therefore your biology is like the scope on a gun; where you point it is where the bullet will land its bulls eye. Take aim. Aim high, aim happy, aim well. It's all possible. It becomes probably when you practice your happiness weightlifting.

Thanks for reading!


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