Friday, February 8, 2008

The Renaissance

Hello Everyone,

What an amazing time to be alive! There are profound shifts happening in America, shifts many of us have been waiting to see for 40 years. The John and Jane Doe's are awakening. What does this mean? It means that individuals in vast numbers are feeling the Life stirring within them and taking back the power and authority unto themselves.

At the peak of the Dark Ages they have found that they are sicker than ever before. Following the dictates of science and chemistry has landed them in illnesses by the droves. Diabetes, autoimmune diseases, cancer, heart disease, ad nauseum. And one by one they are disillusioned by the protocols that are dispensed. They are not made well, but rather land on a merry-go-round of more drugs, more appointments, more symptoms and counter symptoms until, at last, they are disgusted, frustrated and asking for the first time, the right questions: how can I get off this ride?

In the educational sector things have gotten progressively so disagreeable to students, teachers, administrators and tax payers alike, that at last, the same question is finally being asked: how can we change this for the better?

Economically we have stretched the rubber band so far that now millions upon millions of Americans are asking the question: how can I get off their merry-go-round, have a financially abundant life AND time to enjoy it. Sick and tired of huge mortgages, low wages, two incomes and large debt. Tired of being enslaved and not enjoying Life itself, John and Jane Doe are seeking their financial freedom independent of government and corporations. Finally they are asking the question, "How can we?"

Nutritionally there is a new and rapidly growing demand for whole, healthy foods. People even in the heartlands where industrial agriculture is well entrenched are finding the local Farmer's Markets in greater demand than the supply can allow, thus showing a new economic opportunity for small farms to raise whole, healthy organically produced foods, meats, poultry, etc.

They can dip and dive and loop de loop all they want to on Wall Street and in their political polls, but they have never captured the spirit of John and Jane Doe when making their projections. Frank Capra in all his movies pointed to this illusive thing: the human spirit. It is Alive; it is Divine. It is that in each and every one of us that keeps moving upward, outward and expanding to find the sunshine, the Real, the True and the Goodness just like a weed will grow right on through the asphalt to find the sunshine and bloom.

It's happening right now in America, at last. John and Jane Doe are beginning to hear the Common Sense of their own Godchip. John and Jane Doe are beginning to follow the desires expressed in their hearts. But most importantly, John and Jane Doe are beginning to realize that they are the authority, they are the Spirit, they CAN.

I wouldn't have missed this for anything. Can you feel it, too?

Thanks for Reading!


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