Wednesday, March 5, 2008

American Ingenuity

Good Day Everyone!

Thinking about things lately has caused me to be grateful for 4 years of Latin. I went to public schools in Ohio and Pennsylvania where Latin was offered. I had two great teachers who really made translating Vigil, Pliny, and Caesar's Commentaries fun and very enlightening.

Today I use Latin principally for getting the original meaning of a word. If you aren't familiar with ancient Latin or Greek, it is improbable that you know how far afield our modern day words and our common meaning that we associate with them have strayed from the origin of the word.

Take the word ingenuity for example. According to ingenuity is:
1.the quality of being cleverly inventive or resourceful; inventiveness: a designer of great ingenuity.
2.cleverness or skillfulness of conception or design: a device of great ingenuity. ingenious contrivance or device. is quite similar:
2 a: skill or cleverness in devising or combining; b: cleverness or aptness of design or contrivance3: an ingenious device or contrivance

But check out the entomology of the word: ingenium from the Latin. The root words for ingenium are 'in' meaning within and genus which is birth. So the original word means
'innate' or 'inborn'.

So what is innate or inborn? Our creativity. Our capacity for ingeniusness. And where does it come from? Our Godchip. Our direct link to the Infinite Possibilities.

Years ago a friend said, "You have to ask the right question." Truly.

When you look again at the word ingenuity, our current definitions imply with the word an invention - a thing, a contraption that we made or invented. But the origin of the word implies that it is not a thing but rather an inborn talent to create.

So let me, right here and right now, say that American Ingenuity is our innate ability to be creative. Our inborn capacity to seek out a new solution that has never been seen on planet earth by first desiring something (usually our freedom) from some perceived constraint and then our natural, inborn ability to allow that solution to come to us as first and idea, and then a thing if that is required.

American Ingenuity is a term I grew up with. We always had a way to make things better.
We knew we could; we did. There was nothing facing us that we couldn't create our way out of and towards a better way.

Thinking about our famous American Ingenuity, I began to wonder why we had gotten ourselves into such a fix with respect to oil. I can't think of anything that Americans hate more than feeling we have no options. There is always a way. Always.

So I started rummaging around online and saw a few signs of our great inventive and creative natures. For starters: go to and find out how to use the electricity from your car's battery to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen. For a very modest price and a little "ingenuity" you can add this to your car and laugh as you pass up the gas pump. This site compares and contrasts different conversion kits.

Of course creativity is not limited to just Americans. They are rolling an air car off the assembly line in India. Where are you GM, Ford and Chrysler?

The point to this little excursion into ingenuity with respect to cars and oil is that our ability to create solutions is infinite and above all inborn with each of us.

It's the Godchip in each an every one of us that has the answer. You with your free will must apply your focus to ask 'how can I?' rather than spending your energies fighting against what is. Turning your focus towards what is wanted is the first step and then staying that focus with free will discipline on the creativity; allowing IT in as IT guides you towards your answer.

The fun is watching it unfold, like in a treasure hunt. Each day something comes in because you have asked and now Law of Attraction can bring it to you as you allow and are looking for the stepping stones.

American Ingenuity has been sleeping. We have been lost in fear of this and fear of that. Every time you allow 'what is' to occupy your thoughts, what ''might be' is delayed and postponed.
And, someone else, who is actively pursuing the "how can I" mode is allowing in the solutions.

Come on America! Turn off that blinkin' TV and get busy creating the Nation we envision.

Now what if...

Thanks for reading!


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