Sunday, July 27, 2008

Momentum and Character

Hello Everyone,

I get a lot of opportunity to read marketing pitches in my inbox. Everyone has a solution, the fix, the instant "6-figure" income. It astounds me that in whatever way it is worded, the idea is always "get rich quick" or "I have the answer that you need".

Oh for the days of the straight forward marketing messages: I have this product or service; it costs _______." Today there are sales letters on data capture pages that are 10 pages long. That doesn't bother so much as the one-line tags that hype you to get to the sale page in the first place.

It disappoints me that when someone offers a conference call - a FREE conference call - and what you get is a sales pitch, not free information as you are led to believe.
After having gone to enough of them, it is the rare marketer that offers anything of value in the teleconference call, and oh, by the way, if you want to know more, you can contact me at....

Everything folks, is about character. Everything. When you are attempting a new path, a new book, a new venture, a new habit...character is what keeps you moving in that direction.

So what is character exactly? According to The combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group, or thing from another.
So what are these qualities that distinguish success and good character from those without it?

1. A fundamental belief in yourself as good and complete. You must believe and know yourself to be Good at your core; complete at your Core. When you are intimate with Who You Really Are, there can be no insecurity about yourself, as you know yourSelf.
There in yourSelf is everything you need whenever you call on it: information, strength, wisdom and guidance. There is no lack in yourSelf. Only those who are not intimate with Self feel a need to lie, cheat, steal and otherwise manipulate others to get what they think they lack. It is this intimate knowledge of Self that keeps one on course, moving forward step by step, day by day towards the new goal where the path is unknown by the human mind.

2. An unfailing knowing that your Good is always at play and that you are no less important and that you are included in the fundamental laws of creation and the Universe. You matter, the hairs on your head are all counted, and the laws that support the "successful" also support you.

3. An unwillingness to quit with the corresponding attitude of "I CAN and I WILL".

We take these things within ourselves and move in our daily activities one step at a time; one moment at a time. We focus completely on NOW knowing Self is integral to us, the laws are supporting us, and yes, I can do this.

Taken together, one moment at a time and one step at a time, momentum builds in that new direction, that new project, that new habit - indeed, that new life.

Get rich quick; someone else has your fix. No way.

We live on a planet with time delay, thank Goodness. It takes time and persistent and focused concentration steadily in that new direction to see results and experience the new momentum. Where ever you are now, you got there by the same formula.

The shift happens because you understand fundamentally, intimately and personally that you are God having this human adventure. With that you shift everything negative about who you thought you were. With those thought forms replaced by the eternal and essential Goodness and power of Who You Really Are, you move yourself - inch by inch - to that new life.

Have you ever imagined what it takes to stop a run-a-way freight train? Something with that amount of weight and momentum takes quite a bit of time and energy to stop let alone switch it to a new track, start it up again and gain new momentum in a new direction.

It is indeed, all about character - that quality of Knowing Who You Really Are - and armed with that you need never take a short cut again. This is applied spirituality in action.

Thanks for reading!


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