Sunday, September 7, 2008

Stop Looking; You Are God

Good Morning Everyone:

John and Jane Doe, you have a huge assignment: grow up and become spiritual adults quickly.

As the election is only two months away, it would seem that we have only two choices; but that, my friends, is only the appearance of things. We always have infinite choices.

As the evolution of mankind unfolds, the "fear" motivating 'this change' over 'that change' heats up.

One side, the way things were, appeals to your fears that the masses will take over and create chaos and who wants that? Stick with "those" who "know" and the "tried and true methods" of government and social order. The other side, although more subtle, points to conditions right now, as the result of "the way things have been" and says, "See, it doesn't work, it's time for OUR change." So now, John and Jane, you have to pick.

Some choice.

Folks, neither "they" has the entire answer. However, the Real answers lay in each individual becoming fully Who They Really Are and Remembering. This is you and me.

Recently I was reading about Public Allies, a non-profit organization that directs diverse youth to public service, while paying them, so they might be schooled by those in government and leadership positions on 'how it is done'. The political right is very worried about such an organization and points to this as evidence of "Big Brother".

What I would like you to understand about yourself is this: you don't need to be led; you don't need to be told what to think; you don't need to be instructed how to think about something, how to be a leader and whom to lead in order to gain 'social justice' or equality.

You, dear John and Jane, are sovereign, independent nations of one person each. You are funded by Source Energy and hard-wired in to Infinite Wisdom and Infinite possibilities. You are limited only by your own perceptions of something that you believe is limiting you.

We are each created equal: endowed by our Creator with our own Godchip. You don't need anything more than that except this: your own mastery of directing your focus to what you desire. Period.

You don't need " them" on either side of the aisle. When 'they' appeal to what you fear, 'they' got you and off you go allowing yourself to be led down their "right" way. There is no "right" way. But there is independent, individual freedom, which neither side can take away from you: your fundamental, God-endowed power to focus your being on what you desire and create, for yourself, what you dream.

We are each leaders, if other choose to follow us. We are each powerful, in our own lives. Don't think so? Check this out: if your life is a huge mess, take a bow, and acknowledge how powerfully you created that situation. You focused your Source Energy on "can't" rather than can. You used every available excuse to stay disconnected from yourSelf rather than choosing what felt better for you.

You chose to blame, which certainly feels better, than taking your own responsibility for your choices.

You can look all over the place and point to millions of people who are locked into the same mindset. Look at the middle class; suddenly they are getting poorer. They, too, are looking to blame big Government and big Corporations for their plight. But if they look closely, there were choices to be made all along the way. Some kept on working for that corporation, even when it didn't feel right. Why? The belief that they couldn't afford to let go that pension or those benefits and believe in themselves. The belief that they were safer in the company, rather than safer with themselves.

These were defining moments; choosing more freedom, growth and joy or safety. Most chose safety.

What I'm trying to tell you is that the defining moments of choice in a lifetime are subtle. You know in the depths of your beingness that the time has come for a change; but we don't leap. It's too scary. How will this work out? How will I pay the bills? How will I survive? And so, the choices are made in the fear default mode.

John and Jane, your Soul doesn't give a fig about safety. It KNOWS it is safe in Source; and It knows that if you would align your human mind with God mind, you would KNOW it too. Everything you could ever dream of is answered in your individual and personal alignment with yourSelf, which is God. This work is solo work; it is NOT done in groups.

Now, a group of aligned folks would be an awesome sight and experience; imagine that!

My Dad taught us to think for ourselves. He may have had moments in his life where he regretted this, as he watched us apply this advice to our own lives and make choices that he wouldn't have sanctioned for his own. But each of us is individual Source Energy come for our own reasons and our own delights, which cannot be fathomed by any other. What you dream is uniquely You and blessed on this planet and needed in this country.

However, you will not contribute the You of you if you are moving from fear. Out of fear you will believe that you must choose either this - or that. The Real solutions, however, are in AND, which is Connection with Source. They are unfolding as we ask for the impossible combination of things and watch as Source inspires us to solutions that human minds, separated from Source, could never come up with.

John and Jane, you have to grow up fast and become the spiritual adult that you already are.
This means your top priority job is reconnection with Self. Remembering that you came in to this with everything you, personally, ever needed for a happy and successful life. Will you be someone who makes a difference? You must. For one person in Connection with Self is more powerful than a million who are not.

What is needed now is for every John and Jane Doe to become personally connected with their own Godchip and lead that life that they intended before coming in.

I grant you that this is not easy; for if it were, things would certainly look a lot different than they do now; but it is simple. Listen within; feel the correctness of each step via your emotions. Stop looking "out there" for confirmation and clarification. Your clarity is yours, and it has to do with what you desire for your life. Your Gochip will lead you unerringly in the right steps if you follow the joy of it and turn your back, once and for all on the fear. This is the supreme Trust in Self.

You are a complete Godkit. You have no parts missing. Begin today to apply your spirit and watch your path change, your decisions change and your life change for the better. No matter what either political party might be offering. You are the powerful, sovereign state of You.

Now. Stop looking 'out there' for God and salvation; You Are God. Refocus yourSelf and get busy creating what your heart desires.

Thanks for reading!


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