9/11: The Unanswered Wake-Up Call
It's a really good thing I use Yahoo mail, because then I know what day it is and what's going on "out there". Today, of course, is September 11, 2008, seven years after the 9/11 event.
I wonder what we've learned or are beginning to discover?
September 11, 2001 was not "out of the blue" or "unexpected". It was a culmination point of converging thought energies that were in that moment on the same wave length. We, were absolutely co-creators of that event.
Back then, I was doing a lot of public speaking in and around San Diego. As you might know, there are a lot of military and military related installations here. I target them for places to speak about Applied Spirituality.
Odd you might think? Not at all. Only to human eyes would speaking about spirituality in a military installation seem counter-think. But these folks, all of them, are spiritual beings as well.
And they gave me the opportunity to ask the question out loud which should have been asked all across the country: How did we co-create this event? How could this have been prevented?
If anyone had posed those question, we would have been on to a new path of course correcting our own "national vibration" rather than the one we did take,and continue to travel.
Yet, today, we will commemorate those who lost their lives in a "devastating terrorist attack", seeing them as victims and perpetuating our consciousness blindness. Those souls who did leave the planet on that day, in that event, did so for a much greater reason. The evolution of our consciousness.
They wanted us to ask ourselves the question: "How did we invite this into our experience?"
If we would do that, ask that question and answer it; then, we would truly be honoring their "sacrifice".
Even when I was just a little kid and got into a quarrel with my sisters, my Mom wouldn't say, "Who started it?" Nope. She would paddle us all, because we were all participating in it: bad behavior as the result of low consciousness. Like consciousness matching like consciousness.
Today it is seven years later. Let's ask the question now. How did we co-create the event known as 9/11? And once asked and answered, then let's get about the business of raising our consciousness, shifting our collective vibration to one of health, safety, peace, prosperity and joy. We get exactly what we are vibrating (believing and talking about). It's time for spiritual growth.
This blather about vibrations and energy is NOT going to go away. Collectively we asked to understand why 9/11 happened, and this is the answer to that asking. It was and is our American Wake Up call. We are creating it all, every single moment of it. If we want to experience something better, we must Remember Who We Really Are and refocus into Well Being.
Time to refocus, America back into Well Being. That would truly honor those who died in the event known as 9/11.
Thanks for reading!
Labels: 9/11, ask the question, co-creators, wake-up call
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