Monday, October 13, 2008

Becoming A Selective Sifter of Information

Good Day Everyone,

Today is part 2 in becoming the master of your own reality. Today we're going to talk about becoming a selective sifter of all the information that comes your way.

How do you know what to pay attention to and what to let fall through the sifter. Good question and very good to master.

First of all, the most important thing is to be tuned in to your internal guidance system. This is otherwise experienced by you as your gut. When you are taking in information from any source, friend, family, CNN, the newspaper, your IGS will be monitoring it for its relevance to you. Specifically, it will be monitoring your focus for things that are for your GOOD. That is its job. It is constantly telling you by how you feel if what you are focused on is on the path for your GOOD.

This is because your IGS is your Godchip and is always in Well Being and living out the results of your desires - It is actually enjoying your dreams already. So there's your IGS skipity doo dahing in your dreams and fantasies, having a really GOOD time.

Now, let's say say your fantasy dream is that you want to be wealthy, prosperous, and financial stable. Your IGS is already experiencing the FEELING of that success, your very dream come true. You, however, are glued to the financial news on CNN watching the Dow plummet, you're reading everything you can about the banks failures and who's to blame. You FEEL your stomach turn sour, your neck is tight, a migraine is coming on. Those FEELINGS are your IGS NOT joining you in those thoughts. In other words, you are feeling the pain of that gap between your human mind focus/thoughts and your Godchip, which is in complete and utter fulfillment of your desire. That gap, the absence of GOOD (your Godchip), does not feel good to you.

Now, let's say you have that same desire for wealth, prosperity, and financial stability. You now focus yourself on stories of people that have achieved financial prosperity, their methods and strategies, or you simply imagine how wonderful it would feel to be there. The longer your focus is on the success of what you are desiring, the better you feel. New ideas join these thoughts, as you feel that success more and more. That you feel GOOD is telling you that you are closing that gap between your human mind and your Godchip who is living that success and its fulfillment.

Ok. Now it's every day life, you're going about your day and you have the radio on. The news comes on and it's about some doom story. What do you do? You change the channel. You find something that feels GOOD to you. Try on some up beat music and sing along or find a talk show that FEELS good to you, or better still, turn it off and CHOOSE some thought that raise your vibration.

Now let's say you've paid for a seminar and the lecturer goes off on a tangent describing to you all manner of traumatic failures, because these people just didn't follow his advice. What do you do? You have several choices: 1.) you can go to the bathroom and come back when he starts talking about positive stuff; 2.) you can tune out, write a letter to your sweetheart and tune back in when he gets to the GOOD stuff; 3.) you can listen and simultaneously edit saying things to yourself like, "This is only true for someone who places his authority in you, buddy, not me. I know about the Law of Attraction and I know that I control my vibration."

In absolutely everything in every minute of your day you have to be aware of how you are feeling. If someone in the break room is talking about how miserable he/she is or how sick someone is, or whatever misery is being hashed out, you get to LEAVE. You have the freedom, the right and the responsibility to change your mind and not be available for vibrations that do not FEEL GOOD to you.

It is very simple: garbage in yields garbage out. You don't have to voice anything to anybody; that is not your job. Your job is your vibration and your control is over your focus. Have some standard comments ready such as, "You know what, I just remembered, I have to make a call. If you'll excuse me." Or "I'll be back...." The point is you have made a choice FOR yourself, not against them, so you have no judgment about what they are talking about, all you know is, it's not for you.

My personal favorite, "Gotta Go!"

These are dramatic times that offer the perfect opportunity to become a very selective sifter of the data that comes in to you. These times are perfect for becoming the master of your focus and teaching yourself that you are, indeed, in complete control of how you FEEL. Master this, and you've pretty much mastered your life.

Next week we'll talk about what to focus on.

Remember, apply, apply, apply. It doesn't work if you don't use it.

Thanks for reading!


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